OJ in the news again!


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
I guess he really is broke . I bet Cochrane and Shapiro can afford to pay for sattelite TV . with OJ's money !!

May 1 , 2004 - DirecTV Closer To Lawsuit Win Over OJ Simpson
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

DirecTV moved closer to winning its lawsuit against former football star O.J. Simpson for allegedly pirating its satellite television signal after Simpson failed to respond to the company's complaint.

A clerk issued a default judgment Thursday at the request of attorneys for DirecTV Inc., which brought the suit on March 4. Simpson was served April 5 and did not respond by the Monday deadline.

U.S. District Court Judge Joan Lenard must still issue a formal ruling and decide whether to award damages. No hearing date has been set.

Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, and DirectTV's attorney, James A. Boatman Jr., did not immediately return phone messages Friday.

The El Segundo, Calif.-based company wants Simpson to pay at least $20,000 for the alleged use of the illegal equipment and attorneys' fees.

Federal agents removed satellite television equipment from Simpson's house during a search Dec. 4, 2001. DirecTV said agents removed two pirate access devices known as "bootloaders."

The devices were being used for the unauthorized decryption of DirecTV signals, the lawsuit said. The company claims Simpson bought, made or distributed the devices and other equipment to steal the broadcasts.

The raid occurred as the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and Miami-Dade County police were investigating Simpson and others in an alleged Ecstasy and satellite signal theft ring. Simpson was not charged.

Simpson moved to Florida after he was acquitted of murder charges in the 1994 stabbing deaths of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. A civil jury in 1997 held Simpson liable for the killings and ordered him to pay the victims' survivors $33.5 million.

He has not worked since then because any money he makes could be seized to satisfy that judgment, which remains largely unpaid.


Jan 21, 2002
I understand that OJ makes about $200,000.00 per year from his NFL pension or something like that and it is untouchable by any judgment. So that is the reason he has the time to search for the killers at all these golf courses.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
What amazes me is that any other Tom Dick or O.J. would be in a federal prison for even this offence and of course O.J. hasn't spent a minute in a cell. Teflon man.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
i assume he moved to florida because the bankruptcy laws are favourable - you can own a house worth millions of dollars but that cannot be touched by your creditors!

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
That may be true, but I think he primarily moved to Florida so that he could put distance between his kids and Nicole's parents and sisters who he was involved in a bitter custody battle with after his acquittal. Being the biological father he automatically got custody which, for obvious reasons, upset them. He has hated them since. I mean imagine, not wanting your grandchildren to live with the man who murdered your daughter and left her on the doorstep of the house with the door wide open. If the kids had woken up before the police got there they would have seen their mother's butchered, nearly decapitated body.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
He moved to Florida because under that states laws his NFL penison is not garnishable.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
gladheateher said:
I think OJ lives in one of those "gaited communities" so in a way, he is living behind bars

not quite the bars I imagined you'd get for murdering two people . that's justice , huh.


New member
Apr 30, 2004
Couldn't prosecute him.

"anyone else who did what he did would have received the death penalty"

Well the jury saw the evidence much more thoroughly than we did. Also O.J.'s defense team included stars such as Barry Schek, F.Lee Bailey. Shapiro sort of stood aside and let the others run with the defense because he didn't have much experience with a murder suit. Johnnie Cochran isn't known as a legal scholar but he looked 100 times more capable than the dunces

such as Marcia Clarke and Christopher Darden.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Notwithstanding what the jury saw - whether thoroughly or not - or the race card, the fact remains that there was an ENORMOUS amount of evidence, enough that it convinced a judge in the civil motion. Just because he was not convicted in the criminal courts (where the standard of proof is higher) does not mean that he wasn't guilty. There are, let's face it, people on death row with one tenth of the evidence they had against O.J.

As for the unbalance in representation, look at the resources O.J.'s team had at their disposal. It was all about money - or lack of it that made the difference not legal scholarship.
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