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Oh come on...


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Nice try

Good try but still no cigar and you don't get to pick a prize from the shelf.

You once again cite a remote example and try to use it as a counter to the wealth of examples from the other side. But keep trying. On another note and closer to our area there were of course nore shootings in the upscale area of North York. Another young girl killed and more wounded. The only reason that there are not more murders yet this year is the poor marksmanship of the shooters. Lots of shooting just limited results.

The example you cite is an unfortunate example of what many murders are, those close to the killer. that has been the traditional type of homicide for many years and will continue whether with guns, knives, letter openers and heavy candlesticks. The types of random killings that I had earlier made reference to are the ones controllable thru measures I proposed. You just can't admit it. You aren't TOVisitor under another deep cover identity are you?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

LancsLad said:
Good try but still no cigar and you don't get to pick a prize from the shelf.

You once again cite a remote example and try to use it as a counter to the wealth of examples from the other side. But keep trying. On another note and closer to our area there were of course nore shootings in the upscale area of North York. Another young girl killed and more wounded. The only reason that there are not more murders yet this year is the poor marksmanship of the shooters. Lots of shooting just limited results.

The example you cite is an unfortunate example of what many murders are, those close to the killer. that has been the traditional type of homicide for many years and will continue whether with guns, knives, letter openers and heavy candlesticks. The types of random killings that I had earlier made reference to are the ones controllable thru measures I proposed. You just can't admit it. You aren't TOVisitor under another deep cover identity are you?
You aren't TOVisitor under another deep cover identity are you?

...I'm not. Honest.

I cited a remote example because that is what popped up on Yahoo TODAY. I don't care enough to go digging through the annals of cirme in Canada or even Toronto to find one closer to home, though I do recall that the guy who killed that Asian girl after raping her was white, as was the guy who hunted down his ex GF and dragged her across the country before killing her.

I don't recall what measures you proposed before (I also don't care enough to attach comments with handles and retain the information), but if you are the guy who suggested innocent people should be punished because they share DNA with someone who committed a crime, you are an idiot.

Remember, it is great to see other unfairly persecuted, but when you stand by and watch it happen, eventually your number comes up.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place

Perhaps I am an idiot as you say, but a happy indulgent one. Why don't you let this drop and go back to the other thread to get spanked by Fuji.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
First...what fun is that...

LancsLad said:
Perhaps I am an idiot as you say, but a happy indulgent one. Why don't you let this drop and go back to the other thread to get spanked by Fuji.
...second...a guy who admits to trolling the internet for teen girls...and then admitting he wants / needs advice to score is HARDLY in a position to "spank" me...
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