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NZDF Covid mandate ruled unlawful by Court of Appeal


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
“The Court of Appeal’s ruling against the Defence Force’s vaccination mandate demonstrates the need to open up the independent Covid inquiry,” says ACT Justice and Health spokesman Todd Stephenson.

“Jacinda Ardern stressed the independence of the Covid Royal Commission while at the same time hamstringing it by limiting its terms of reference, giving it very little scope to investigate whether major reductions to our freedoms were justified.

“All New Zealanders were affected by the previous government’s Covid response, and we shouldn’t have to rely on ad hoc challenges in the Courts to answer basic questions like whether government agencies were justified in curtailing our rights and freedoms.

“ACT was very pleased to secure a commitment in its coalition agreement to open up the terms of the inquiry. New Zealanders can now tell the Royal Commission exactly what they think it should investigate, whether it’s the justification of vaccine mandates and extended lockdowns, or the impact of lockdowns on business and kids’ schooling.

"ACT opposed the previous Government's heavy-handed mandates, proposing a vax or test alternative instead.

“ACT is encouraging New Zealanders to have their say on the Covid inquiry at”

NZDF’s Unlawful Covid Mandate Shows Need To Open Up Royal Commission | Scoop News


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh no, the New Zealand army. Earth shattering.

And the description of draconian is hilarious. Don't know what kind of privileged lives you've lived that being told you need a vaccine to join the army is a massive attack on humanity.
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