Seduction Spa

NYC - The Seventies


New member
Aug 6, 2003
The Owl Farm
Yes, I know this is the TORONTO ERB but I just felt this could be an appropriate rambling.

I grew up in NYC and lost my virginity to a beautiful young blond SP I found in Al Goldstein's Screw Magazine when I was 17 years old. It cost $40.00 for 40 mins. (standard at the time) and took place in a nice townhouse in Manhattan.

This was in the pre-internet, pre-AIDS days and BBBJTC was fairly common.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Do you

have a number?



Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Ahh, the great old days

I used to get to NYC frequently in the early 80's when the city was almost bankrupt.

Screw magazine was the first publication I'd purchase upon arrival. There were great articles about what was available, in graphic detail, and where to find anything you wanted...from peep shows, to Korean MPs, and all the fetish babes you could ever want.

Prices were great due to great competition, and selection was staggering. It was a hobbyists paradise before inflation made it an expensive place to play.

Anyone remember the Melody and Harmony theaters?


New member
Apr 1, 2003
I first went to NYC with my college roomate in 1978. We walked around Times Square drinking Southern Comfort. A man gave us a handbill, $10 BJs one floor up. I was somewhat innocent at the time so we went for it. Walked up the stairs, 3 girls sitting around,paid the $10 and picked a girl. Went into a room and got serviced. Needless to say I was hooked and went on to enjoy allthe cheap thrills the area offered in the 80s. I actually went to Platos Retreat in its prime with a bi girlfriend and "partied" with Ron Jeremy when he was just doing 8mm work with Sweedish Erotica. Its so sad to go there now with $30 cover at Scores {topless only} and $250 and up incalls with way too much prescreening for security. There was a swing club Aquiesce that was the best from 1985- 2000. Pay one price at the door and screw as much as possible in 4 hours {with drinks and buffet}.
One night I pulled a chain with 6 guys and a killer Latino girl.Oh for the good old days.


I want to check out Stars... Howard Stern seems to speak highly of this place


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
fanofthehobby said:
I first went to NYC with my college roomate in 1978. We walked around Times Square drinking Southern Comfort. A man gave us a handbill, $10 BJs one floor up. I was somewhat innocent at the time so we went for it. Walked up the stairs, 3 girls sitting around,paid the $10 and picked a girl.Oh for the good old days.
This place was on 42nd Street, and called Blackjacks..quite the place. It was a run down theater which showed all forms of porn in booths were you'd drop in quarters. They also had live sex show, and special booths with "Live nude Girls" On top of the 25cent window fee, you'd pass a dollar bill thru an open slot and play with a girls tits and pussy for 2min.

Total fantasy


New member
Aug 6, 2003
The Owl Farm
Those Times Square/Eighth Ave. $10 - $15 MP's were quite common back in the 70's. I had an afterschool job as a bike messenger and after a delivery I'd chain my bike to a traffic light and dash upstairs for another "delivery" of sorts. The larger, higher volume of these places had all the ambiance of a bus station but once I did get to spend 15 mins with a real cutie about my age (18 or 19).

Once fav momory was taking a handbill from one of the dozens of barkers on the street, looking at it for a minute and asking, "$10 special?". He replied, "It's not's always $10".

Mind you, the quality of the ladies was just what you'd expect for the price but it was quick, easy full-service and I never once got ripped off. Just great for a kid in his late teens with far too much testosterone and far too little money.

In re; Fanofthehobby's mention of Aquiesce....I visited their location in the West 20's once and it was absolutely great. Half-way decent semi-pros who just loved to have sex. The scene was absolute Roman Orgy with 5-6 couples screwing in one large room. There were also some private cubicles but no-one went to that place for intimacy or discretion. There was another similar place in Times Square in the early 80's but I can't remember the name.

If anyone here has been to Amsterdam they may have visited Club Paradise on "Gang-Bang Thursdays". That's pretty much what Aquiesce and that other place was like.
Aug 24, 2003
Detroit Metro Area
I lost my virginity to an SP in NYC in 1976. I have some very vivid memories of that day and some other things about which I am very fuzzy.

I was living with my parents in North Jersey at the time. I took my parents to JFK that day to drop them off for their first overseas trip. By now all my friends had been initiated into the joys of sex but for me it just did not seem to be happening. So I had decided weeks before to use this opportunity and to take matters into my own hands.

It was a Monday night. I remember because Monday Night Football was on. Since Monday Night Football was still a relatively new phenomenon I think it was a lot more popular back then. I distinctly remember coming into Lower Manhattan from the east – not sure what bridge. But it was a very clear night and the lights of the city were beautiful. In Lower Manhattan the relatively new WTC towered over everything else and was ablaze with lights. Back then I do not imagine anybody ever thought of blowing the buildings up or flying planes into them.

I remember working my way up to Midtown but exactly how I cannot remember. I was going to a place called Club Tahiti. No Times Square dives for me. Club Tahiti used to have full page ads in Club Magazine at the time. My memory of the establishment is that this was quite upscale. I do not remember seeing any young kids like myself there – only middle age businessmen. They looked quite affluent to me. The whole ambience to me seemed quite posh.

I am not sure what I paid that night but I can promise you it was lot more than $50. I’ll bet it was closer to $150-200 which was a small fortune at the time. But I was working and living at home. Money was not an issue for me.

The SP’s name was Kim. She had blond hair. I would guess she was in her early 20’s – maybe a little older than me. She still had a pimple on her cheek but I though she was very attractive. To tell you the truth it probably would not have mattered what she looked like. I just wanted to finally get laid.

The event itself was somewhat surreal. I had seem my fair share of porno by then (had to go to theatre back then – no VCR let alone DVD). And so to me it seemed like I was watching someone else do it. But it was me and the whole thing was over pretty quickly. After the event she took me to the Jacuzzi and got me a drink. I stayed only a little longer a little dazed and overwhelmed by the experience. Then somehow I got my clothes and found my way all the way back home to Jersey.

A big day in my life had come and gone. No longer was I officially a virgin.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Does anyone remember a place called the "Wild West" or something like that? It was on 34th, I believe, near the Empire State Building. I went there in the late seventies with a friend of mine and we got "seduced" into partaking. I remember I put it on my MasterCharge (I think I still have the receipt - kept it for a souvenir).


New member
Aug 6, 2003
The Owl Farm
Credit card? That was high class for those days. The places I would patronize stayed in business a week or maybe 10 days if they were able to pay-off the right people.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
I used to go to New York a lot on business in the 70's. One game we used to play to determine who was going to buy dinner was to walk once around Times Square and whoever got the least number of propositions had to buy. With one guy we had to institute a rule that he had to declare whether they were male or female propositions he was counting

Also remember going up to my room at the Waldorf one night with a really hot looking blonde who propositioned me in the elevator. I told her "sorry I don't have enough money" Her response was to pull a credit card machine out of her purse and say "I take all major credit cards" What else could I do? It was one of the best uses I ever found for American Express! She certainly had a very interesting floral business, at least that is what it said on the receipt.


New member
Aug 6, 2003
The Owl Farm
Anyone remember the line up of streetwalkers on Eight Ave. between 43rd and 45th Street? A great majority of them were killer blondes from the mid-west and that stretch was known as Minnesota Alley.

A couple of friends and I were just walking around taking in the sights when one in my group spotted a really exceptional young lady. Tall, micro mini skirt, thigh high boots (you get the picture).

So he goes up to her and starts a dialogue. I didn't hear what he said but I did hear her say loudly, "Oh yeah? How much money you got?". He told her he had $5.00. She yells at him, "I wouldn't spit in your face for $5.00!" He says, "You wouldn't?" and she answers, "You want me to?".

As I remember, he didn't take her up on it.

It was fun to talk to the ladies and fool around a little with them but we always kept in mind that there was a small army of fierce pimps not far away making sure that things never got out of hand.
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