Club Dynasty

NRA wants the U.S.A to be a lockdown nation


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
NRA's solutions show Americans the true face of gun culture
The Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Dec. 21 2012, 2:02 PM EST
Last updated Friday, Dec. 21 2012, 2:06 PM EST

NRA's solutions show Americans the true face of gun culture

The United States reached a defining moment on Friday when Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice-president of the National Rifle Association, described his organization’s vision of the country in a news conference carried live on national television.

Only in the past week, since the massacre of 20 small children and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., has the U.S. begun to recognize the magnitude of its problem with guns. It took a tragedy of that scale to do so.

And what was Mr. LaPierre’s answer? To post an armed police officer in every school. To organize communities into what sounds like vigilante teams or militias for children’s protection. To call for an “active national database of the mentally ill.” And to attack the media for what he described as a cover-up of the dangers of violent video games played by children.

Mr. LaPierre did Americans a service. He gave them a chance to see the face of gun culture for what it is – fear-mongering and demagogic. He railed about the injustice of leaving an unarmed principal to die at the hands of an “evil monster.” He asked why banks have armed guards but not schools. His answer to the threat posed by guns is more guns, in the hands of “good guys.”

He would turn America into an armed camp. Why stop at armed police in front of schools? What about daycare centres? Summer camps and swimming pools? What about playgrounds? universities? hospitals? churches? There have also been mass shootings at fast-food outlets and movie theatres; what about armed guards there too?

Mr. LaPierre says, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Has it really come to that? Is the only way to protect American children to raise them in the shadow of gun-toting lawmen? And does the threat of good, old-fashioned shoot-’em-ups in the hallways make them any safer?

Amazingly, he offered in a spirit of seeming generosity to “make this program available to the world.” As if the United States had anything to teach the world about guns. What country would wish to emulate its gun policies? Or for that matter the resulting gun-related death statistics, the highest in the developed world? The U.K.? It has a near-complete gun ban. Canada? Almost impossible to own a handgun for personal protection. Germany, France, Japan? Guns are highly restricted.

One country we’re aware of with something like the ubiquitous armed guard he describes is Haiti. Is that what Americans want – to be more like Haiti?

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old loner who shot and killed his mother and then the 26 victims at the Newtown school, got his guns from his mother – who was treated by the system as a “good guy.”

An “active national database” or registry of “the mentally ill” is a twisted concept. Instead of registering and controlling automatic weapons and handguns, you register and control people. It would cause people to forgo treatment. There is something totalitarian in the suggestion – as if the country were divided into “the good guys” and “the mentally ill,” and the state’s role were to protect the former from the latter. There is no such division of humankind. Sometimes even good guys with guns can turn into bad guys with guns.

Mr. LaPierre and the National Rifle Association, through a war chest that generously funds the campaigns of members of Congress, especially Republicans, have been holding America hostage to the gun. And now Mr. LaPierre has given Americans a chance to see the true face of the U.S. gun lobby, and it is a frightening one. Do Americans really want to live in the kind of country the NRA envisions? It would no longer be the land of the free, or home of the brave. It would be a nation in lockdown.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What good is a registry of the mentally ill without effective regulation of gun suppliers to ensure they cannot provide guns to people on it? Or their parents. Or their husbands, wives, brothers, sisters BFFs. Does he realize he just positioned the NRA as favouring gun regulations?

What touching faith this man seems to have in the US health system that he believes it can actually identify such people at all, never mind that it would have to identify almost all of them to be effective at anything. Treatment might be good.

But he does make it clear that he thinks only crazy people do gun crimes. Having the NRA actually say killing people with guns is what crazy people do is a great step forward for them.

Of course it does mean Zimmerman can plead insanity. And confirm what sensible people thought all along.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
What good is a registry of the mentally ill without effective regulation of gun suppliers to ensure they cannot provide guns to people on it? Or their parents. Or their husbands, wives, brothers, sisters BFFs.
It already is U.S. Federal law that firearms dealers do have to submit names to ATF to be checked against the registry, adding the seriously mentally ill to the registry is not a major inconvenience. Likewise it is already a federal felony to purchase a firearm for someone who is themself prohibited from doing so.

Oh by the way as I am almost certain you already know legal insanity and medical insanity are different things.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
once this hysteria blows over, perhaps there'll be serious discussion. first would be a definition of what we want to reduce. serial killers? mass killings? suicides? gang drive-bys?

each may require a different solution. i really doubt if the mentally ill issue will go anywhere as already the autism groups are defending themselves. which mental illness are we so concerned about?

this is a very difficult question. and all sides have circled their wagons. (i hope that's still ok to say).
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