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Now This is a Full Service Escort


New member
Jan 13, 2002
Don't you mean "fool service" not full service

That was funny, but ,excuse my ignorance, what is scat? Given the watersports listed above it I can guess, but not sure. Also what is Owo ?

You are not really thinking of seeing her are you? UGH !!!! I am not sure I would admit that she lives even close to dear old Mum.

Had forgotton the word" todger" though...hilarious. It is amazing what we call it. There must be dozens of names , never mind the personalization of it.

Does everyone have a name for it? The wife and I call my "todger" just plain old Fred ( No disrespect Fred Z..the other board calls you a dick , but we can talk about Fred in company this way. He has a complex you see...He needs to know that he is loved.

Also wondering if you girls have pet names for that glorious piece of equipment between your legs. It just occurred to me that while mine is Fred , we have no name for hers. Is it a man thing... ?
Re: Don't you mean "fool service" not full service

pussywillow said:
That was funny, but ,excuse my ignorance, what is scat? Given the watersports listed above it I can guess, but not sure. Also what is Owo ?

You are not really thinking of seeing her are you? UGH !!!! I am not sure I would admit that she lives even close to dear old Mum.

No, I do not plan a visit :) I just found the sight amusing and thought it would motivate some people to make comments.

OWO stands for "Oral WithOut"
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