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Now Magazine: Article on a Massage Parlour Experience

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Yeah, i read the article the other day and thought to myself, oh here we go, another poor young dear trapped working in the massage parlour story.

And yep, that's exactly what it was.

It's been done over and over and over.

Who knows if it's even true.

If there are underage girls working there then bust the joint, and fine her parents for doing a lousy job of raising the girl.

I find it very ironic that the back pages of NOW are filled with every kind of sex for sale ad imaginable. It's kind of the pot calling the kettle black now isn't it?

If NOW feels some sort of social responsibility to the poor helpless trapped girls slaving in the rub and tug, perhaps they should put their money where their mouth is and stop running ads for the sex industry.

I find it very hard to believe that the woman running this nameless MP let a reporter into her midst.

Lauren Kirshner the author uses just about every tired cliche that any first year journalism student can think up to make copy.

Just more judgemental drivel
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james t kirk said:
I find it very ironic that the back pages of NOW are filled with every kind of sex for sale ad imaginable. It's kind of the pot calling the kettle black now isn't it?

If NOW feels some sort of social responsibility to the poor helpless trapped girls slaving in the rub and tug, perhaps they should put their money where their mouth is and stop running ads for the sex industry.
Well, I think Now's position is that you have the right to go to hell, but they are prepared to call you on it.

I do not agree with the article, but I see no hypocracy, either.


New member
Aug 21, 2002
Losing respect for NOW

In regards to those little ads in the back of NOW. Now charges triple the rate for a sex industry ad. At the same time in the front of the paper, (articles) NOW vehemently opposes living off the avails. This is the kind of hypocrisy that diminishes anything valuable NOW contributes


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Yeah NOW is a piece of crap when it comes to journalistic integrity, but what's important is that the owners laugh all the way to the bank by printing this kind of prurient trash.

It's interesting that the piece is written in the first person, so presumably everything that happens up to the time the customer goes into the room was witnessed by the writer. However, from that point on she continues to write in the first person, when clearly she could not have witnessed what went on in the room unless she was spying on the customer and attendant. Which leads me to conclude that it's of course b.s.

Besides, we all know that if extras were involved, it isn't her HANDS that she'd be washing for two minutes after the session was over. ;)
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