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Now here is an interesting nationality issue.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Alix Tichelman is not a particularly likable individual, but her case is interesting. In May of 2015 she pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter and administering drugs in the in November 2013 death of Forrest Timothy Hayes, a married father-of-five, and Google Executive when he passed out on his yacht after she injected him and she left without seeking help. She is a dual Canadian - U.S. National, apparently a beneficiary of derivative Naturalization when her parents became Naturalized U.S. Citizens while she was a minor.

OK to the point. She was just released by the State of California after having been incarcerated for two years. At the jailhouse door she was picked up by ICE Agents even though she is a U.S. Citizen. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is now saying that she will be deported to Canada (presumably after legal action is taken to deprive her of her U.S. Citizenship).

Despite her unsavory history, I'm unaware of another attempt to strip someone of U.S. Citizenship for criminal conduct committed after they were Naturalized. Yes, this was a homicide but it was not a murder.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
It almost sounds like a mistake. Like they thought from news reports she was solely Canadian. And is now back in the system.

Her lawyer will get her out soon I'm betting. There is no way they can take away her citizenship.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It almost sounds like a mistake. Like they thought from news reports she was solely Canadian. And is now back in the system.

Her lawyer will get her out soon I'm betting. There is no way they can take away her citizenship.
They can if you are naturalized. However, that is usually when you have lied in your Naturalization Petition, such has being a War Criminal.

Personally I've never heard of it being done for a crime committed after you became a national.


Damn dual citizens running around killing folks all the time ..... lol
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