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North Korean General: 'War Is Inevitable'


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abc news

Oct. 19, 2006
— If President Bush continues to ask North Korea to "kneel," war "will be inevitable," and it would begin on the Korean Peninsula, North Korean Gen. Ri Chan Bok told "Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer, in an exclusive interview inside North Korea.


East end Hobbiest
Well, one would have to believe that Bush doesn't want to go to war with NK in the first place for that to be much of a news story.

War means profits for the Carlyle Group, Haliburton, KB&R, and other such war industry giants which will look after their own and those who set the conditions that make them their fortunes.


New member
woolf said:
Well, one would have to believe that Bush doesn't want to go to war with NK in the first place for that to be much of a news story.

War means profits for the Carlyle Group, Haliburton, KB&R, and other such war industry giants which will look after their own and those who set the conditions that make them their fortunes.
I see this as saber rattling by NK..I wonder what Don thinks. He's my new GPS on the topic.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
North Korea has backed off a bit. It now "regrets" the test after talks with China. China has expressed its displeasure. Once China began restricting aid... that got their attention. I'm glad the UN didn't back down - in North Korea's 61 year existance, it has shown that when push come to shove, they will back down if you hold your ground... especially if China is involved.
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