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No spinners required


New member
Jul 14, 2016
Good day all,

I admit I've been lurking for a while and what to get more involved. Just getting started in the hobby and having been on here for a few months now. Up to now it has been mostly MAs for us (one in particular at AT/PS who is on leave according to their website :-( ) The majority of ads/reviews on here are for spinner types under 25. For those who are looking for something different (25-35+, thick & voluptuous and if not at least nicely curvy) where does one look? Looking on BP there are some but it's hard to judge who is good and who is not. When you are coughing up your hard earned you want to ensure you are getting what you want....

Got our first SP date setup for next week (wife and I play together) but if we don't click the search will need to continue. If we do click it will be nice to build up a comfort level to being a regular but as we all know most people don't last forever in this game so the day will come to find someone new. We don't need to keep shopping around when we find someone we like. That was us at AT/PS - always went with the same one and always came away happy....

It can be tough being a hobbyist outside of what others might call "the norm"....We may just go back to seeing MAs. At least with them you pretty much know what you are going to get....

For the one out there who like the thicker girls - help!!


New member
May 7, 2012
You might want to check out Alexandra Sky? she has a whole weblink on her site devoted to her couples service... It looks pricey, but I guess if you bring your wife along , the better it is, the better chance to keep her into it. She's a full figured, but fit looking lady.
Toronto Escorts