No Shows.. What's up with that?


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Just wanted to open this subject by saying that the VAST majority of Terb members are very respectful of Sp;s time as it is brought to their attention.

However, it is still really unbelievable to me how many No-shows still happen. This isnt the same as being late, or calling and respectfully cancelling.. Just not showing up, and when we call the client back they answer saying oh.. um.. I cant make it.. sorry.. or I changed my mind or whatever..

This does two things.. first it wastes the Escort's time and is extremely frustrating .. putting her in a crappy state of mind. And secondly it effectively "cock blocks" another potential client from seeing that lady that from seeing them.

We do avoid this problem to some degree by not accepting blocked numbers and keeping a NO-show blacklist.. But it still will occur at least 5 times a day..

Just wanted to get some member;s feedback on this..


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Ottawa is well known for no shows.


Mar 25, 2007
Yeah, I`ve heard that complaint SOOOO many times from SPs! I remember a visiting SP telling me, she had something like a half dozen clients lined up for that day, and I was the ONLY one who actually showed up!! I was genuinely shocked, and somewhat embarrased. It makes all us guys look like jerks. I know things can come up at the last moment, but geeze, guys, you should at least TRY to call, let her know you can`t make it, even if it`s on very short notice.


Aug 29, 2007
stevieray said:
Yeah, I`ve heard that complaint SOOOO many times from SPs! I remember a visiting SP telling me, she had something like a half dozen clients lined up for that day, and I was the ONLY one who actually showed up!! I was genuinely shocked, and somewhat embarrased. It makes all us guys look like jerks. I know things can come up at the last moment, but geeze, guys, you should at least TRY to call, let her know you can`t make it, even if it`s on very short notice.
I agree, I always call when I can't make it, actually has only happened once. Had an appt with Linda of GOE at 9pm or something like that a couple months ago, looking forward to it all day, and get home find my living room flooded! Talk about adding insult to injury! First call was to GOE(they were very understanding), second to my landlord, lol


Oct 11, 2008
stevieray said:
Yeah, I`ve heard that complaint SOOOO many times from SPs! I remember a visiting SP telling me, she had something like a half dozen clients lined up for that day, and I was the ONLY one who actually showed up!! I was genuinely shocked, and somewhat embarrased. It makes all us guys look like jerks. I know things can come up at the last moment, but geeze, guys, you should at least TRY to call, let her know you can`t make it, even if it`s on very short notice.
Bet you got good service that day though ;)


Oct 11, 2008
PKJessica said:
Just wanted to get some member;s feedback on this..
I can see the odd guy chickening out and thinking it's not a big deal to give the courtesy of a call but, what are the chances that a few of these calls are the 'competition'? 5 times a day is a lot, even for a well known agency I would imagine...


New member
Jun 13, 2007
It happens even to independants sometimes.. 5 times a day is about an 8% occurance for us.. Still high.. but not unheard of.. Jason answers that phone alot during the day, which to some guys freaks them out and they hang up alot.. but that is ok.. it tends to keep the "heavy breathers" that call just to talk to ladies away.. LOL

Just to comment on S.A. response.. we have had outcalls where the client doesnt answer the door or buzzer.. So it happens as well on outcalls..

And Yes Competitors do call and set up appts, just to waste our time.. But again, when we dont take private calls, and keep updating our BLACKLIST.. it keeps things in check..


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
the best is when they no show you then an hour after the appointment was to start they write a review of another girl they just left
true story had it happen when i visited ottawa


New member
Apr 15, 2006
Well it sure happens the other way around too. Its just the nature of this business, I guess. There are a couple of SP's I like to visit, but it's strictly on an 'if they answer the phone' basis. I've given up wasting my time booking apointments with them. And in that regard, a lady who can be counted on to honour her appointments, has a leg up with me.



Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
PKJessica said:
And secondly it effectively "cock blocks" another potential client from seeing that lady
"Cock blocks" LMAO I`ve never heard that term before but I agree...that is probably the most frustrating thing about no-shows or cancellations. It`s not so much the cancellation itself but the fact that sometimes we `ve already turned away other potential clients and so then we lose out in that way as well. I`ve argued that point in other threads before.

I`m primarily outcall and while no-shows/last-minute cancellations
happen less often than with incall, they still happen.

luv4lust said:
the best is when they no show you then an hour after the appointment was to start they write a review of another girl they just left
true story had it happen when i visited ottawa
That happened to me recently too - a guy cancelled our outcall appt. a few hours before saying that his trip to Toronto got postponed. The next day he wrote a review of another Toronto girl saying he`d seen her the night before. Not cool! :mad: The best part was that his review of her was very mediocre - he didn`t have a very good time.... He should have stuck with me!! ;-) lol

Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
It does happen both ways. It is ignorant not to show for an appointment. I have done this tho twice - once in my early days of hobbying I chickened out -now I'm more mature - if I decide not to go I'll call and apologize.

About a year back I actually fell asleep and missed an appt!!

I have been stood up many times more by the ladies, or had outcall visits postoned by hours. So many times that I am actually shocked when someone shows up on time!!!

Overall Ive adopted the attitude that I have low expectations re punctuality.

Re the guys who noshow, and then post a review of someone else; these are likely guys who have been burned before by a no show, and book a "plan A" and "plan B". I think that double booking is extremely rude, but having been in the situation before, having limited time to hobby, and got a hotel room and my "plan A" delayed delayed then stood me up, I can see why some guys do this.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
MissCroft said:
"Cock blocks" LMAO I`ve never heard that term before but I agree...that is probably the most frustrating thing about no-shows or cancellations. It`s not so much the cancellation itself but the fact that sometimes we `ve already turned away other potential clients and so then we lose out in that way as well. I`ve argued that point in other threads before.

I`m primarily outcall and while no-shows/last-minute cancellations
happen less often than with incall, they still happen.

That happened to me recently too - a guy cancelled our outcall appt. a few hours before saying that his trip to Toronto got postponed. The next day he wrote a review of another Toronto girl saying he`d seen her the night before. Not cool! :mad: The best part was that his review of her was very mediocre - he didn`t have a very good time.... He should have stuck with me!! ;-) lol

doll he didn`t cancel he just didn`t show up period lol now thats class
if he cancelled at least i could have made other plans since i only see one friend a day


Jan 19, 2004
I have had my share of "no-show" by providers. 1 highly rated provider of the other board had had 3. It really pisses me off when you book the dau before, confirm the morning of. Drive to whereever the incall is, only to have them call you twice ( when 1 block away) to cancel, and once no calls. You are standing at an appartment not sure how hard you can knock on the door.(lol).


Oct 11, 2008
Secret_Admirer said:
I am surprised that it happens to outcalls too :eek: . You (or the independent SP) would know the guy's home address. At the very least you can demand for a cancellation (without proper notice) fee. I am sure though it is a rare occurrance and not as frequent as incalls for above reason.
I've heard from some girls that they'll show up for an outcall, they can tell somebody is home, and then the guy just doesn't answer. Maybe he watched them walk up, didn't like what he saw and didn't bother answering. And no doubt there's people out there that arrange for an appt and give the wrong address just to be a dick.

Bad enough for the agencies, but it really fucks the indies who enlist a driver out of pocket and are out maybe $60 for nothing....


New member
Dec 13, 2006
The reality is ...

.. and before the agencies start responding - there in no such thing as a reputable agency in Ottawa - do not even try to defend it.

You are always best just trying independents (not Craigslist) and / or touring girls

Do any of you seriously think that this type of thing happens in Montreal (or any other city in the world for that matter) ?

This is not new - just a long history of the same clowns changing numbers (or even keeping the same ones and popping up again) - Ottawa has a long and terrible history of the same idiots pretending to be reputable and advertising as agencies or advertising the services when the reality is they are not going to deliver in any way.

Has anyone ever had a good experience with a local agency ?

I am sure it has happened - but - it is not the norm

Simply - do not bother - stick with the few indies that are solid and the touring ones that have solid reputations and the rest will either clean up their act or go away

Yes - I too have lived and learned


Oct 11, 2008
Secret_Admirer said:
Yes it is really very bad especially for the indies.

I would have thought that it would be too risky for an outcall guy to do that since the visting SP would know where he lives. Either she can stay and keep on banging on his door until eventually he opens the door (fearing the noise and neighbors) or she may (not necessarily will) come back with a boyfriend, bodyguard (or pimp) to knock his door down and ask for the cancellation fee or the $60 drivers fee that she had to pay. Also if they ask for a contact number, I think they should be able to match the address with the (cell or home) phone number (in case they give a wrong address).
Some girls may cause a scene, but I think most would just write it off as a another 'no-show' and just walk away. They don't need the attention or added aggravation either. And you can't match a cell to a home address unless you're LE and even then maybe not


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Our policy is that if this ever happened, we would cover the driver's fee. But will always post warnings, and blacklist the customer..

Sometimes these idiots that dont call to cancel will call back a few days later like nothing happened and then are so surprised when they get an earful and find out that we blacklist them. How ignorant they must be to think that the ladies have nothing better to do with their time?

The thing that must be frustrating for Hobbyist is that they could have seen this escort if the jerk hadn;t blocked a timespot for nothing..


Oct 11, 2008
Guess it sucks from both ends (SP/client), but a part of the industry unfortunately. It's not like some regular businesses where they post in the waiting room that you'll still be billed if you cancel with less than 24hrs notice. And that's not even enforceable either, people either think it is or have the courtesy to pay it. Here, there's no recourse at all to bail and even if you could complain about it, who's gonna listen?
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