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No more ISO


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Gentleman, it just might be me that sees it this way. But when you do a search of someone; in ISO for a stripper, or MP or what ever. Don't you think it makes you look like a stalker?

It's like trying to chase and ex-girlfriend that left you. That is how I see it. If a girl has left a establishement without telling you, well let it be. If you bump into her later then it was meant to be.

This is how I see things. It's like work if you got fired by company "X" and then you start working for "Y" company you certainly won't brag of how great "X" is would you?
IF they let you go there must be a reason. Like you are a REJECt in Q.C line ( quality control = or a lemon car )

ISO in my opion doesn't work. If they do work please let us know. I have not seen a post once saying I found this person.
If you have, let us know now and what happen after that meet.

Thanks for your understanding.


Flaming Pig :(8)~
Jan 7, 2003
GTA (Gash, Tits, and Ass)
What's wrong with asking?

If I want to see a particular movie, I look up the listings to see where it's playing. I don't wait for the director to send me a personal invitation.

Many dancers move around between clubs. I don't see the problem with asking where she might be working.

These women are entertainers. If their fans don't know where they are performing, they won't come out to see them. I think it's silly to expect us to wait until the dancer invites to the club before going to see her. I'm sure the dancers would agree.

Pyro the Pig.


Stung with Desire!
Jul 22, 2002
It's more of a question of when to use it.

You need to try the "Search" function on this board first with variations in spelling. Once you've exhauted that then ISO maybe required. You should probably state that you've tried the "Search" function and came up short when posting an ISO. Lastly, nobody should do an ISO on a new SP/MPA/Dancer because if somebody on this board has seen her and she is new then they will likley post a review - so "Take One for the Team" instead.

In the Strip Club section I think it works more often. It's usually from a guy who got a glimpse of a dancer but didn't catch her name. Usually they ask who she is then follow up with details.


Stung with Desire!
Jul 22, 2002
chandler said:
How else is one going to find what they are looking for? ISO seems appropriate to me anyway...
Everybody has to at least try the "Search" function first. What really irratates me is when a Newbie comes on this board ISO information but hasn't even attempted to find out for themselves. In my experience there is an unwritten "Right of Passage" that we must all go through on this board. ISO is fine if you've attempted to find out for yourself, but nobody wants to just give freely any information that they themselves have had to work at (or spend money on) in order to acquire. There's the barter system going on here - I will share with you if you will share with me. I think it is often percieved that guys using ISO, especially Newbies, have nothing to share in return so why should we trade info.


New member
Jun 5, 2003
Hornet said:
Everybody has to at least try the "Search" function first. What really irratates me is when a Newbie comes on this board ISO information but hasn't even attempted to find out for themselves. In my experience there is an unwritten "Right of Passage" that we must all go through on this board. ISO is fine if you've attempted to find out for yourself, but nobody wants to just give freely any information that they themselves have had to work at (or spend money on) in order to acquire.
I couldn't agree more!


I diagree with you... I think it works

I read the subject originally, thinking it was going to be a debate on the necessity of quality control in the business world.
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