Nicole of Moonbay


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
I recently saw Nicole in MB's west end location. As usual, parking was no issue, and the location itself was fine. Nicole's schedule might have been fairly full though; I'm guessing by the amount of laundry that was piling up.

I think the photos MB is using are hers, but at the same time they don't give a great sense of how she looks. Nicole is on the slender side and well proportioned all around. This was one of the few times I'd have considered the description "spinner" to be accurate. Throughout our session I felt almost like I could literally throw her around by accident.

I found her pretty and young enough to have no complaints -- though I am dubious about her being a student. Nicole feels too mature for that.

Her cleanliness is good, and Nicole is fastidious; she wanted rubber on very early. I feel like my mileage was lower than usual. Personally, I think she'd be happier as an all safe experience, but maybe it's too hard to make a living that way.

Overall, I'd rate her skill level as adequate but not outstanding or excellent. That being said, Nicole was very willing to put in the work, and didn't complain about any kissing or fondling. I came very close to pulling a hamstring during our session -- a first for me. I was completely engaged during our time together and must have had more of a work out than usual.

In the end, I just plain liked Nicole and am planning my repeat.

Edit: Nicole is likely enhanced, but if so, she was smart enough to go for a modest improvement, leaving herself some buffer.
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