Nicolas Cage brought about his own financial ruin with a spending spree: 15+ homes...


New member
Dec 27, 2004

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Nicolas Cage brought about his own financial ruin with a spending spree that included two castles, 15 palatial homes, a flotilla of yachts and a squadron of Rolls Royces, his former business manager said.

Samuel Levin, responding to a lawsuit Cage filed against him, said he warned the Oscar-winning actor that he could face bankruptcy unless he scaled back his lavish lifestyle.

Cage, one of Hollywood's highest-paid movie stars, sued Levin in October, charging that he "lined his pockets with several million dollars in business management fees while sending Cage down a path toward financial ruin."

"Cage discovered that he is now forced to sell major assets and investments at a significant loss and is faced with huge tax liabilities because of Levin's incompetence, misrepresentations and recklessness," Cage's lawsuit said. He asked the Los Angeles Superior Court for $20 million in damages from Levin.

Levin filed a counter-complaint this week demanding $129,000 owed to him by Cage for recent work on his tax returns. The filing also argued that Cage was "deeply in debt" when he started working for him in 2001 because Cage had "already squandered tens of millions of dollars he had earned as a movie star."

Levin said he warned Cage, whose given name is Nicolas Coppola, that he needed to earn $30 million a year "just to maintain his lavish lifestyle." He urged Cage to save "a cash cushion" of at least $10 million "to alleviate the financial pressure to take film roles that might be detrimental to his career," Levin's response said.

Several of Cage's recent movie roles have been seen by critics as "paycheck gigs" taken only because of his pressing debt.

Levin's filing claimed that starting in 2005 and then "with increasing urgency" over the next two years, he "implored Coppola to stop buying real estate and urged him to reduce his real estate holdings, warning Coppola that the financial press was filled with references to a 'real estate bubble.' "

He countered Cage's claim that the actor was left in the dark about his finances.

"Levin repeatedly warned Coppola that he was living beyond his means, urged him to spend less, and warned him that financial disaster loomed if he continued to spend uncontrollably," Levin's filing said.

"Levin described the folly of several other well-known entertainers who compulsively overspent their way into bankruptcy, and warned Coppola 'it could happen to you,' " the filing said.

Cage should have known about his debt because "he signed every check for every monetary transaction throughout the relationship," Levin said.

"Instead of listening to Levin, cross-defendant Coppola spent most of his free time shopping for high ticket purchases, and wound up with 15 personal residences, most of which were bought against Levin's advice," Levin's complaint said. "Likewise, Levin advised Coppola against buying a Gulfstream jet, against buying and owning a flotilla of yachts, against buying and owning a squadron of Rolls Royces, against buying millions of dollars in jewelry and art."

Cage's four yachts included one each for the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Newport Beach, California, and Rhode Island, Levin said.

In 2007 alone, Cage's "shopping spree entailed the purchase of three additional residences at a total cost of more than $33 million; the purchase of 22 automobiles (including 9 Rolls Royces); 12 purchases of expensive jewelry; and 47 purchases of artwork and exotic items," Levin's filing said.

"Coppola also spent huge sums taking his sizable entourage on costly vacations and threw enormous, Gatsby-style parties at his residences," it said.

Levin's warnings that Cage was living beyond his means were not just ignored, but "at times Levin was rebuked for trying to restrain the outflow of cash," he said.

"The pinnacle" of Cage's spending spree was the purchase of two castles -- in England and Germany -- which Levin warned "were decrepit and needed huge expenditures," he said.

Cage's financial collapse came in 2008 when real estate values plunged and most of his residences turned "upside down, just as the global credit crunch made it impossible to cover Coppola's endless cash calls by borrowing more money," Levin said.

The case of Nicolas Cage versus Samuel Levin is set for a hearing in a Beverly Hills, California, courtroom on February 3, 2010, according to court records.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
This is totally farked up! Nick Cage is a horrible actor. Man, he should never get a part in film again, if he's not financially educated with money of this nature. Man, it is totally sad.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
While I am fine with the rich spending their loot as they please, I have to ask myself if anybody needs 17 personal residences around the world.

I wouldn't mind a few residences - maybe 5 if I was really loaded, and the Gulfstream V jet to travel between them is nice, if my cash flow allowed this. But even if the sky was the limit, who'd want the hassle of owning 17 homes? Not me, even running 5 would take up a lot of time and trouble. In Cage's case the sky wasn't the limit to his wealth, so he really was pushing it with his spending, since many of his properties were bought on borrowed money.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2005
This is totally farked up! Nick Cage is a horrible actor. Man, he should never get a part in film again, if he's not financially educated with money of this nature. Man, it is totally sad.

Gyaos Baltar.
he was dynamite in 'leaving las vegas'.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
he was dynamite in 'leaving las vegas'.
Elisabeth Shue's breasts were dynamite in "Leaving Las Vegas" lol.

Cage handles money in real life about the same as he handled booze in that film - consume and squander as much as possible haha.

But yeah, I see your point - he was good in that film, and in a couple of others too. Not so sure he deserves to be one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood though on any kind of merit based system.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Not a problem. He'll just churn out another marginal at best movie and it will all be okay. When he started doing films where he tried to be the new King of Cool I had to laugh.


Nov 26, 2002
Updated scene from "The Rock"
Teen: You just f*cked up your ferrari
Cage: It ain't mine,...... yes it is but I am rich bitch.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Easy come, easy go.

Cage has blown all his money, now he's after his former manager for a few crumbs that the guy probably did steal anyway.

If he bought a pile of real estate, he can liquidate it and recover a good chunk of cash.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
If the spending accounts are true, it is pathetic. 22 cars in a year, and two castles? He should be playing pro sports.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Nicolas Cage

Just because someone makes a tonne of money doesn't mean that they'll ever know how to use it.

In fact, I believe that his wealth eventually led to boredom which can lead to depression and bi-polar disorders.

Numerous celebrities have gone broke over the years. Nick Cage isn't going to be the last one.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
.... 30 million a year life style. WHOA ...I think that topped Wacko's.

As said, easy come easy go. But that Bangkok Dangerous ? ... WTF ?!!


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Easy come, easy go.

If he bought a pile of real estate, he can liquidate it and recover a good chunk of cash.
True, but what I read in the foreclosure article was that many of his homes he bought at maximnum price before the real estate bubble burst on borrowed money ie mortgaged to the hilt. Now real estate prices are 20-40% lower after the crash, but he owes on the higher mortgage amount. So the sale of each property at current prices would leave him owing millions more on each property than he recovered by the sale. He owes so much money to banks that they won't loan him more money...must be one heck of a debt he's racked up for the banks to say 'no more' considering he gets, what, 20 million per movie? I just checked IMDB and he has as many movies in production now as anyone could possibly do (8 films for release in 2010/11), so he is taking anything he can get to pay down his debts it looks like. I'm sure he'll be fine if he gets his spending under control, but he was stupid to bite off so much more than he could chew.


man with nice shoes
Mar 29, 2003
What about Cage's Korean wife? Has she gone back to work at the Sushi restaurant again or has she become a pornstar or SP?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Easy come, easy go.

If he bought a pile of real estate, he can liquidate it and recover a good chunk of cash.
That like saying that you are heavily in debt, and you will now sell off all your assets and just keep a beat up shit box car and live in a house that is empty of furniture while the world watches you slep off to work with a brown lunch bag and theromos of coffee, but you still have to make more money to pay off still outstanding debt.

This may be the best thing for him to do, but he will get and have to take crap roles and accept less money because they know he needs the money.

It must make a person feel pretty crumby, but he did get himsef into this mess.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Too bad living in the real world sucks! This is a typical Hollywood celeb story. Has had happen many times before, and will continue to happen. The god status they think they have obtained does not last for very long. Lol
I wonder what he's selling his Nassau home for!

Took that pic myself a couple years ago while we did the tour of the Nassau Harbor off Paradise Island. According to the tour guide Nick and a number of other celebrities have property along here, e.g. Oprah, Tiger Woods, Chuck Norris, Sean Connery, Michael Jordan and some oil sheik with 37 wives!,-77.339024&spn=0.003571,0.006824&t=h&z=18


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
So many rich guys do this, spend tons of money on these incredible homes... and then they never get to see them because they needs to work their asses off to pay for them. Why not just lease amazing homes for 2-3 months at a time and that way you get to experience all these amazing places... still expensive. I'm sure having Nick Cage sign the guest book will result in a favourable lease rate. Same with yachts...WTF, you can lease any number of super yachts anywhere...maybe just own one in a spectacular place.
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