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NFL player's story of making it out of poverty


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Lounge can be pretty negative sometimes. I came across this cool story and thought I would share it

The article links you to Player's tribune if you want to read the whole article. It asks for your email but there's an option to skip that.

This is a story of a guy who talks about coming from a town of 1000 and how his mom and sister had to leave him so that he could continue his football dream.

He was given the NFL man of the year award for his charity work.

He talks about not having money for back pack, school supplies, having to wear cleats to school instead of shoes, not being able to go on field trips etc.

His mom left him with cousins so that he could finish high school.

Today he runs an organization to help under priveledged kids.

Just wanted to share this story becauce to me it highlights two key things

1) it is very tough to make it out of a bad situation

2) this guy seems like a great guy who should be celebrated for his generosity..... not to mention toughness..... back from three acl injuries, and played a playoff game with a broken arm.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
An uplifting read for sure...thanks for posting.

Nice to see those who don't forget their humble beginnings and choose to pay it forward. I like this line:

"You should know that each and every time I suit up for the Carolina Panthers, I’m not playing for the fame or the notoriety. Nah, I’m playing for my former self — for the kids and the single mothers living in underprivileged neighborhoods."
Ashley Madison
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