Nexus - Secret "Other Requirements?"

I am going a bit crazy trying to find out what the "other requirements" are for being accepted into Nexus (besides the violation of laws and other stuff).

I have searched various Nexus sites, both from the U.S. and Canadian Govt, and all I can find is you have to meet "other requirements" besides those listed. I've called all the program phone numbers and heard the long usual stuff which is on the website and it always says "and other requirements" You have to pay the fee and send the application it seems to find out if you meet some secret "other requirements" There are no humans to talk to just hear the recorded messages. I was able to leave a voice message at the Ft Erie Application office will see if they actually return the call.

I applied long ago, paid my $US50 and just got a rejection letter. They have a long check list of reasons which are obvious being in violation of various things. None are checked, only "other" "does not meet program eligibility requirements" But what are they I am trying to find out.

I already have been approved for CanPass which is for air, but since I visit the Niagara Region via Peace Bridge out of Buffalo now 3-6 times a year I thought Nexus was good idea. I have never had a problem and show them my CanPass realizing not for ground but shows I've been cleared.

This all came about of course from my experience at the Victoria B.C. airport last year when I was detained for so long when it seems a certain person planted false information about me in the immigration computer. As those that recall my post I had to teach them the Canadian laws regarding sexwork since they found terb link and lots of stuff on my laptop. After educating them there was no problem and no problem on two more air trips to Toronto before getting CanPass.

But thought I'd also get Nexus since I come in via Buffalo Peace bridge now more often than fly in. But I am going crazy trying to find out some secret it seems "other requirements" that for some reason must disqualify me.


New member
Jul 16, 2005
My guess is that the US is not happy about the NEXUS program and is trying to back out of it.

I would say that the US feels that the interview/psyche test is their best defense and these automated programs generate weaknesses and carte blanche for potential smugglers and terrorists.

There was also a NEXUS Air program which allowed you to bypass both US and Canadian customs, only at YVR. That program is no longer accepting new applications, and its future is unlikely.

Unless you can demonstrate a genuine need for a NEXUS card, it's doubtful that they're going to be giving new ones out.
I just wish they would say on their site that its need based instead of having to pay first to find out you don't qualify due to some secret "other requirements" not specified anywhere.


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
It is not need based. Chances are your previous experience in Vancouver has stayed in the computer. You created enough interest that they want to be able to question you every time. Unfortunately every single encounter and secondary on both the US and Canadian side stay in the computers for years.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
As NEXUS is accepeted in both the US and Canada, you need to ask which border finds you more questionable. As an American Citizen you will find that no matter what happens at the border, you will be admitted to the US. Maybe not as quick as you expected, but you will. Only Canada can deny you entrence to their country. The hold up is likely there. Unless you have a criminal offence in your background


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
What the hell's nexus? I thought it was the company that made the replicants in Bladerunner......
I've never been arrested for anything ever, not even a traffic ticket at least in the last 10+ years. Seems odd that after interrogation in Victoria was obviously no problem, in fact they were finding the discussion more interesting than a concern after awhile and after that was approved for CanPass which I would assume would be even more extensive requirements.

As I've said never had a problem by car so no big deal just don't like sercret "other requirements" which obviously have nothing to do with any bad history.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
You are too boring.

What you need to do is come to Canada, join a gang (any gang, even the mafia) get invovled in crime, shoot or assualt a few people, hijack a car or something, maybe even become a terrorist and get deported. Note last step is very important. Get deported. Then your laughing. Each and everytime you come back you will be welcomed with open arms, no questions asked. :eek:


Jun 29, 2003
gang'sta Dave from Phoe'nax,yo' br'o come on in,lol


New member
Jul 16, 2005
tboy said:
What the hell's nexus? I thought it was the company that made the replicants in Bladerunner......
NEXUS is a co-op program between US and Canadian Customs. When you drive into Canada or you drive into the US, you show them your NEXUS card and they wave you through. This is only for land crossings.

It isn't always so easy, though. If you give a bad vibe or the computer randomly selects you, you will be sent to secondary search and questioning, even though you are NEXUS member.

There is an application process where you are checked for criminal background and customs violations before they issue you the card.
High_Roller said:
There is an application process where you are checked for criminal background and customs violations before they issue you the card.
And if you have no criminal background and no customs violations they may still deny you Nexus for some secret other requirements they won't tell you about. But they keep the fees even if you fully qualify other than the secret other requirements I found out :(


New member
Feb 16, 2006

Maybe Dean Wormer is now with Homeland Security and has placed you on double secret probation.
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