Next time you are in Supermarket...

In California, 3rd largest supermarket chain Albertson will be implanting RFID (radio frequency id) tags into their shopping carts to track their customer shopping behaviours. To see where all the foot traffic are and when customers stop at particular spot and match with register stats, if items purchase from there. If not, target items in that area as future special items.

Some company like Walmart are using RFID to track stocks. Some are considering using RFID tags to track employees to determine how much time they spend stocking shelfs, etc. Hm, it sounds like more big brother watching... I know some company already track their employees with their security cards, in event of bad business behaviours.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I would not get too parinoid.

A company has a right to know how their employees spend the shift, they are being paid for. RF tracking, cameras and even supervisors all do pretty much the same thing.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
RFID is the future. How many of you have Esso Speedpass's? They are RFIDs.


Jul 6, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
If the result of all this tracking is that I pay less for my groceries then I will be the first to sign up.

I use my Shell easypass all the time. I get double air miles because Shell and my credit card company give them to me. I get some of my money back in the way of free trips and other items. I have also found that I spend less because I have no reason to go into their shops (no impulse buying). I also get coupons and other savings in the mail and via email.

If you count for inflation and other factors, in the 1950's our parents paid the equivalent of $2.80 cents a litre for gas. Technology has a lot to do with the standard of living we live. We have to be careful as to how it used, but we should embrace it and enjoy it......or is it that you have something to hide?

By the way, if you don't embrace it and enjoy it, then all I have to say is....RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!
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