Newsom to remove homeless camp


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
So the governor decided to remove the homeless camp. It really hurts him politically i guess.

But where will these people go? They were, for the majority, polite and peaceful. Just troubling for those of us who got successful and are bothered by these animals?

180k are homeless in Cali. Most are there because of the weather. They were born, for most, in red state USA who are suffering the inequalities of the country.

Can you imagine the violence 180k people can do if we don't let them sleep in their little tent?
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
"Somewhere else."

That's usually the political driver under this.
The real answer is they don't know.
(Hopefully not "to the camps".)
its like cockroach if you dont have a good solution... They will be back ;)

And making it illegal with imprisonment... Can you just imagine the cost to society?? We are talking many billions. Legal fees, lodging fees, need to clean them, feed them and worst of all... cure them!
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