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News Flash: Dollar Tanking?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The Bush Administration may be destroying the US dollar.

Below from Sterling Seagrave, co-author of Gold Warriors and an extremely well-connected financial source in both the US and China as well as Europe. We do not ourselves have direct access, but this is consistent with other lunatic signs we have seen. We've checked back against the possibility that it is an April Fool's joke (and wonder why anyone would do two trillion instead of a half trillion at a time), but the bottom line is that this Administration is so nuts and so out of control that this is both credible in context, and worth passing on simply to heighten awareness and concern. At the end of this "as is" notice is a further **speculative** explanation of how the Chinese are combining their blackmail photos of young Bush in Beijing with their not signing the treaty foregoing reparations, and their long-term strategy of acquiring gold certificates for Yamashito's gold stolen by McArthur for the US and placed with Citi-Bank. All of this is a "lay" alarm, that we place before the public, where real experts are to be found. Bush appears to have reached the bottom of the barrel, and may be about to both give away as much gold as he can get his hands on, and print worthless money that will destroy the US dollar. So much for dollarizing the global economy....

----------------------------"AS IS"-----------------------

ACCORDING TO OUR SOURCES IN THE US TREASURY, THE WHITE HOUSE HAS SECRETLY ORDERED THE FEDERAL RESERVE TO PRINT TWO TRILLION DOLLARS IMMEDIATELY, AND PUT INTO CIRCULATION! OUR SOURCES IN THE TREASURY ARE FLABBERGASTED! IT MEANS THE COLLAPSE OF THE US DOLLAR'S VALUE, AND PROBABLY PRESAGES THE DOWNFALL OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION. THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN CORROBORATED BY THREE SEPARATE U.S. TREASURY SOURCES. Six months ago, the Federal Reserve quietly announced that as of March 20, 2006, they would no longer publish "M3" Data. The "M3" was the amount of cash the government printed to put into circulation, propping-up the U.S. economy. As of eight days ago, M3 data is no longer being reported, so there is no way for the public, investors or bond holders to know how much currency exists - and no way to gauge how much a "dollar" is truly worth. Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told us that this week, the Federal Reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed secretly! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse. This probably explains why the US Treasury Secretary resigned several months ago and was replaced by a Bush flunkey, and why Greenspan resigned from the Fed several weeks ago, not wanting to go down with the Titanic. We were also told that the whole Immigration Amnesty Debate (especially the well-funded well-attended protests) was deliberately scheduled to take place now, to divert attention from this massive printing/devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. The White House apparently hoped that by the time anyone found out about the flooding of the market with dollars, they could stage an event, such as an air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, that would distract the public entirely. The leaking of this information by alarmed Treasury sources could effectively neutralize that strategy, although it may be too late to call a halt to the attack on Iran. Watch for Gold, Silver, Platinum and other precious metals to skyrocket in price within days as the world wakes up and begins dumping the U.S. Dollar in favor of precious metals and the Euro. Last month a leading financial consultant told a Canadian television interviewer that he expected gold to jump to $2,000 an ounce in the coming months -- but did not explain why, except to blame the Bush Administrations squandering of dollar reserves. As of this morning, Silver was already at a ten year high and Gold was alrready within a few dollars of a 25 year high. The U.S. Dollar is falling against all major world currencies. We have been predicting this over the past two or three years, as the inevitable consequence of the Bush administration's bizarre policies, although we were not certain exactly when it would occur. More details as they become available.

ADDENDUM: The first signal we had that something was afoot
came about ten days ago when the UST and Fed,
which had secretly been redeeming some of the
provably legitimate FRNs and FRBs recovered in
the Mindanao crash sites dating back to 1947, and
others recovered from China and elsewhere,
abruptly stopped redeeming the notes and only
concentrated on re-acquiring the boxes containing
currency, as many and as fast as possible. (Mind
you, they had denounced as counterfeit ALL the
FRNs and FRBs until 14 months ago, and had put 16
people in prison and murdered quite a few others,
who had anything to do with trying to redeem
them; as of 14 months ago, which is when we
published the two new closing chapters of GW in
the Spanish edition and soon afterward in the
Verso paperback, and gave copies to our Chinese
publisher to translate for the second edition of
the Beijing edition, the UST and Fed suddenly
started acknowledging those Mother Boxes and
their contents that were shown by X-ray to have
the internal voids that corroborated their
validity. It was understood 14 months ago that
the sudden acknowledgement of a great many of
these Mother Boxes, etc., was to recover control
of them so they would not fall into China's
hands, because it was understood that Beijing was
secretly acquiring them in order to demand
redemption, or equivalent concessions from the
USG, which would provoke a severe diplomatic
incident. The majority of these boxes had been
created at the UST's Bureau of Engraving and
Printing since the Herbert Hoover administration
with the purpose of using them to dupe foreign
banks and wealthy individuals, many of them
Chinese or Overseas Chinese, into exchanging
their hoards of precious metals for FRNs and FRBs
that the USG never had any intention of
redeeming.)Then, as I say above, ten days ago
they stopped redeeming the notes to concentrate
exclusively on the cash. This was unexplainable,
and mystified the people designated to help
acquire and help redeem the FRNs, FRBs and cash
boxes. But one possible explanation was that a
shortage of paper currency in the UST had become
so acute that the Fed and UST were frantically
doing everything they could to acquire currency.

It is taken as a given by some economists that in
an economic crisis the solution is simply to
print more money, as the money (no longer backed
by gold or silver) is only Monopoly Money and is
worth only what the private banks that own the
Fed SAY it is worth -- which is like worshiping
toilet paper.

Obviously, somebody has told Bush he's thrown
away so much money that the UST has bottomed out,
and a crisis looms of a major crash, so Bush and
his loony advisers have simply ordered the
printing of an enormous quantity of what amount
to "Presidential Dollars" (as they are designated
by the people involved in the UST). Ergo, one
possible explanation is that Beijing has asked
the USG to redeem the Mother Boxes the PRC
already has in hand. In which case Bush may
stupidly believe that he can redeem them -- at a
very deep discount -- with worthless printed
currency rather than with gold. Bush believes
whatever he wants to believe. Facts don't matter.

I have absolutely no doubt that an attack on Iran
is planned and preparations for it are underway
as we speak, in order to distract the notoriously
gullible US public and much of the world's more
gullible public, while the Bush circle attempts
to work its way through crunch-time.

However, I have not the slightest doubt that the
inevitable sinking of the Titanic has now been
comprehended, or has commenced even if it is NOT
comprehended. It will not be "women and children
first" -- the rats are already abandoning ship
and many more will in the days and weeks ahead.
As the super-rich probably have been tipped in
advance as many were before 9/11, the price of
gold will now zoom up along with the price of
silver, platinum and so forth. That trend is
alreadfy apparent.

» 2006-04-06 Gold Warriors Now in Chinese and Rocking China
» 2006-04-06 John Mauldin on Money Velocity and the Fed
» 2006-04-06 The Mogambo Rant--Be Patient, It's Fascinating
» 2006-04-06 The Fed Bait and Switch--Raising Rates While Printing Money
» 2006-04-06 Federal Reserve 101 Including Monetary Policy
» 2006-04-06 Money Stock Statistics up to 30 March 2006
» 2006-04-06 Price of Loyalty--Why Paul O'Neil Left Bush Administration
» 2006-04-06 #1 Amazon Reviewer on Non-Fiction, All Reviews
» 2006-04-06 #1 Amazon Reviewer, Structured Lists of Books on National Security and Global Issues
» 2006-04-06 Press Release on US Dollar Tanking?
» 2006-04-06 Arab View of "Helicopter Dollars"


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
This probably explains why the US Treasury Secretary resigned several months ago and was replaced by a Bush flunkey
John Snow hasn't resigned yet (although he should). Unless that article is talking about the TS before him.

It is true Bush Jr. Inc has been pushing for a really weak US Dollar and it shows against the Euro, Pound, Korean Won and (right now against) the Thai Baht. However it will not weaken against the Chinese Yuan and the Japanese Yen, in fact strengthen as the Chinese will in no way weaken the Yuan so long as the US Congress is split, plus the fact there's no way they want their booming economy to tank. The Japanese new economy is only in the first few months, so it will be a nice 120+ yen to the dollar sustained for all of 2006.

But the Administration is dangerous with their currency manipulation. The US Dollar should, right now be 1.35 to the Pound, .89 to the Euro (i.e. the US Dollar buys $1.12 Euros), 44 Thai Baht, 1200 Won, $1.50 Canadian and 152 Japanese Yen. The mind-boggling reason for a weak dollar is a religious ideology to keep American men from having sex. It's so true. But they have lost all their power, even with a Republican nazi majority. The US is at the bottom of the barrel and the only way is up with a lame duck loser administration, soon to be removed. The only last piece of power Bush Jr. has is to tank the US Dollar in 2007 when the Dems are in charge and blame them for it, when it is Bush Jr. risking America for political reasons. That makes him a crypto-communist. What he always has been. A communist claiming to be a Republican.

It's only a matter of time when Cheney and Bush Jr. will be called to testify in the Libby case. Get ready for resignations and 2007 impeachment hearings.

Have a nice day!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Although I agree with the conclusion, I think the author is taking the concept of "printing money" too literal. In this day and age, it is not necessary to run printing presses to "print money".


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Gyaos said:
The US Dollar should, right now be 1.35 to the Pound, .89 to the Euro (i.e. the US Dollar buys $1.12 Euros), 44 Thai Baht, 1200 Won, $1.50 Canadian and 152 Japanese Yen.
Why, because you say so?:rolleyes:

The only way the US can manage it's massive debts is to dilute the debt holders by printing more money.
I am surprised that the US$ has held up so well.
Buffet is right but placed his bets at the wrong time.
The run on the US$ hasn't even started yet.

Printing money does not mean presses printing more bills.
It is sort of like a company diluting shareholders by issuing new stock.
The actual number of new paper share certificates is irrelevant.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
WoodPeckr said:
The "M3" was the amount of cash the government printed to put into circulation, propping-up the U.S. economy.
As soon as I got here I stopped reading. If the author does not know what M3 is, I can't take him seriously (hint: M3 is a very board measure of the money supply with cash printed being a very small part).


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Gyaos said:
But the Administration is dangerous with their currency manipulation. The US Dollar should, right now be 1.35 to the Pound, .89 to the Euro (i.e. the US Dollar buys $1.12 Euros), 44 Thai Baht, 1200 Won, $1.50 Canadian and 152 Japanese Yen. The mind-boggling reason for a weak dollar is a religious ideology to keep American men from having sex. It's so true....
Is that why Jeb Bush the hobbyist has been cursing his elder brother George??? The good doc is pondering when the good old days of $1.00 USD for $1.50 CAD will return. :rolleyes:

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Gyaos said:
The US Dollar should, right now be 1.35 to the Pound, .89 to the Euro (i.e. the US Dollar buys $1.12 Euros), 44 Thai Baht, 1200 Won, $1.50 Canadian and 152 Japanese Yen. !

says who?

I remember the good old days when the canbuck was worth more than the u.s.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Scenicdrive said:
Is that why Jeb Bush the hobbyist has been cursing his elder brother George??? The good doc is pondering when the good old days of $1.00 USD for $1.50 CAD will return.
Well, with natural gas at under $7.00 and oil at $70.00, there's a $40.00 discrepancy in the price of oil which the CAD is loosely tied. Given the fact there are record profits, an abundance, etc. When oil is back to $30.00, the CAD will drop to $1.50. The true value of the Canadian Dollar is $1.50 to the USA.

All because of Bush Jr.'s approving of his leaks, his illegal war for profiteering, and a slosh of money in the futures market. But the basis is because Bush Jr. doesn't want American males to have sex. Why else weaken the dollar, push for job outsourcing, deny condoms, deny women's choice, etc. It's total mind-boggling policies coming from these non-angels with black wings. And all of this was planned by Bush Junior (leaker-in-chief), Darth Cheney (vice-leaker-in-chief), Tom Delay (gone) and Bill Frist (going). Oil will not stay this high and will drop back to $35.00. Now if it takes impeaching this dummy or forcing him and Cheney to resign, it will happen.

Not a Democrat angel either. Harry Reid (jerk crypto-republican) and Nancy Pelosi (the weakest representative ever to be a minority leader in the House) are paid on the side.

It's the Carter economic syndrome with a Nixon clone in office, at this time, changing the policies that worked during the Clinton Administration. Vote for Hillary and get Bill back in there. :p

Malibook said:
Why, because you say so?
Yeah. I say so.

Gyaos Baltar


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Malibook said:
So when is this going to happen?
Probably when all the professional girlfriends the good doc knows become grandmothers and great grandmothers. :eek: LORL!!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Malibook said:
$100 is much more likely than $30.
Only if the US do not decide in its insanity to bomb Iran. Then the strait of Hormuz will be closed and oil will not be available at any price.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Malibook said:
$100 is much more likely than $30.
"I'm George W. Bush and I approve that leak". Or maybe "When we find the person who leaked that information, we will fire him". Interesting. He knew the persion was a "him". Interesting. It was George W. Bush Jr.

I see $30.00 more likely than $100.00 in a relatively near future.

Scenicdrive said:
Probably when all the professional girlfriends the good doc knows become grandmothers and great grandmothers.
Yeah, but oil was in the $30.00 range only 2 years ago. Ever fuck a grannie? Hot stuff, good balls massage. :p

Gyaos Baltar.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Gyaos said:
I see $30.00 more likely than $100.00 in a relatively near future.

I do not think we will ever see the price of oil anywhere near $30 again... not with growth expected in he third world... India & China

When the price of of approaches $100... and when the euro is the currency of choice for OPEC.. how low can the us dollar go?


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Gyaos said:
I see $30.00 more likely than $100.00 in a relatively near future.

Yeah, but oil was in the $30.00 range only 2 years ago. Ever fuck a grannie? Hot stuff, good balls massage.

Gyaos Baltar.
Thanks but no thanks. Grannies are not the good doc’s cup of tea. None of the hot spicy beautiful professional girlfriends that the good doc knows are older than mid 30s. So perhaps you have to wait another 10, 20 years for them to become grandmothers and add more years if you want great grandmothers from them. Of course, if you cannot wait, there are plenty other grannies out there now, dentures or without dentures. You don’t have to wait until crude oil is $30 a barrel anytime soon. :rolleyes:

So what is this $30 a barrel of crude oil in the “relatively near future”? Do you mean one year, two years, or three years? Are there any substantive, credible studies or reports to back up your claim? One more thing, even if oil prices were to go down to $30 a barrel relatively fast as you assume, is there any guarantee that the exchange rate for $1 USD will be $1.50 CAD? Please show sound proof and perhaps some American hobbyists will donate enough for you to have a few grannies for free. LOL!!!


Dec 27, 2005
Peak oil is an acknowledged problem in most circles and with India and China modernizing/industrializing in the coming century I don't think you'll ever see a $30 barrel again.

just my two cents

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Gyaos said:
During Carter, we all were not going to see $10.00 oil again. Oops, it happened.

times change... you are obviously amerikan and in denial


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
The only big time currency manipulators are the Asians buying oodles of US dollars to maintain a cheap manufacturing base. But, even that is coming to an end sooner or later.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Papi Chulo said:
times change... you are obviously amerikan and in denial
"Times change"? Your safe way out with historical reality. Girls still fuck guys. Guys like girls fucking girls (well, I do). I see no change at all.

$30.00 oil will come back. Count on it. The faster George W. Bush is impeached or forced to resign, the faster the price will drop. Already Cheney (Vice-leaker in chief) and Bush Jr. (leaker-in-chief) are not talking. A shake-up is about to happen huge. So watch it go sky high, then the shake-up, take the profits and run.

Gyaos Baltar.
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