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New Trend: Aggressive women drivers!


Mar 22, 2004
First things first, I am not sexist, I don't hate women! I drive daily on the 400 series highways, and I've noticed that when I am getting tailgated of late I've noticed more times than not it's a woman (I should get a dash cam to prove this). Now seeing this I decided to put my theory to a test. I decided I would take note of the next ten drivers who tailgated me, well my numbers were astonishing, nine out of ten times it was a woman. Now you might think I was going slow in the fast lane but I wasn't, also when they decide to pass, they do so aggressively and start cutting everyone off. Now my question to others is, have they experienced the same thing or is just me? There used to be a time where I was lead to believe of being cautious of teenage male drivers, but in my opinion, I'm highly cautious of the women drivers! I hope this doesn't turn into a contentious issue, it's just been my observation. Please voice your opinion, thanks!


New member
Jul 14, 2009
if you were driving like a man, you would be noticing slow drivers, not aggressive drivers


Mar 22, 2004
Bud, I'm doing 130 135 in the fast lane, and I don't drive a slow car. There are laws to follow and I don't need to get arrested as I need my license, and they are right on my bumper!


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
ever thought of just getting out of the way?
I always think this is a 50-50 proposition if someone is right on my tail at 120-130. Not only are they tailgating as I start to pull over but they tend to move even closer to take the area that I am vacating. This places me in a more vulnerable position than ever and it is not of my own doing. When I find myself being unreasonably tailgated at speed I put the onus on them to deal with it by turning on my four way flashers. Invariably they go around or fall back. Most of the time I can see if someone is closing on me and if appropriate, I move over. But if they pull in quickly behind me it is 4 way flasher time for my safety.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
First things first, I am not sexist, I don't hate women! I drive daily on the 400 series highways, and I've noticed that when I am getting tailgated of late I've noticed more times than not it's a woman (I should get a dash cam to prove this). Now seeing this I decided to put my theory to a test. I decided I would take note of the next ten drivers who tailgated me, well my numbers were astonishing, nine out of ten times it was a woman. Now you might think I was going slow in the fast lane but I wasn't, also when they decide to pass, they do so aggressively and start cutting everyone off. Now my question to others is, have they experienced the same thing or is just me? There used to be a time where I was lead to believe of being cautious of teenage male drivers, but in my opinion, I'm highly cautious of the women drivers! I hope this doesn't turn into a contentious issue, it's just been my observation. Please voice your opinion, thanks! stole my thunder! I had a similar situation on the 401 last week. I was changing lane to the fast lane and the driver behind me tried to do the same thing. The driver(?) honked at me when I didn't let it changed lane ahead of me. As a result, 'it' tailgated me and I played 'chicken' with the driver with sometimes slowing down and speeding up! At the same time I kept thinking what %&!# language I was going to give once we met up in the middle of the hwy. And,there it was the driver drove up and it was a she! She was a hot asian chick! I melt and I thought I was in love! lol...
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