New Terrorist Tape


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Paul Waters said:
Fuck. This locks the election for dubya...
Who cares about the American people right, streets running with blood that's OK just reelect the President.


onthebottom said:
Who cares about the American people right, streets running with blood that's OK just reelect the President.


If there is the slightest chance of this happening, then dubya has betrayed the American people,

Bush was horney for Iraq. He let Bin Laden escape.

If he neglected homeland security as well, he should be charged criminally.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
This is all BS. If they really planned an attack they wouldn't warn everybody.

This tape is intended to just scare everybody. There may be some significance to the timing, just before the election.


New member
Aug 4, 2003
Paul Waters said:
If there is the slightest chance of this happening, then dubya has betrayed the American people,

Bush was horney for Iraq. He let Bin Laden escape.

If he neglected homeland security as well, he should be charged criminally.


New member
Aug 4, 2003
Powershot said:
Yes just like every leader Israel has ever had
Thanks for the clarification Powershot.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
bbking said:
I've been hearing that this so-called tape is a fraud. I really find this tape hard to believe - Al Quada has never used an Anglo before to deliever a message and Bin Laden and his # 2 have shown some media savy in the past that if they didn't want Bush re-elected they would know that this would only help Bush. Nah, I smell a rat.

Yeah, Bush made the tape himself so he can win the election. The accent detected is a southern accent straigth from Texas.

Ouch..I can't believe i actually gave a f..k about your pinion at one point.
I hope this election is over soon, so all those "left wing wackos" crawl back in to their holes.


New member
Aug 26, 2002
Bush paid Osama to make this tape :D Just in time, need to escalate the fear in Americans before the election.

However, in the tape, there is a reference that, if "we" are not attacked, then "we" will not attack others.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
bbking said:
I've been hearing that this so-called tape is a fraud. I really find this tape hard to believe - Al Quada has never used an Anglo before to deliever a message and Bin Laden and his # 2 have shown some media savy in the past that if they didn't want Bush re-elected they would know that this would only help Bush. Nah, I smell a rat.

I agree. I feel manipulated.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

is there were a strike all would be blaming Bush

so now comes a tape that seems real and the libs go SAY IT AINT SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Cinema Face said:
Osama's dead.
Well the FBI, US Military and Air Force would disagree with you.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Rove has been busy........

Bush's camp gets gift from 'Azzam the American'

Is it a pre-election gift to the Bush campaign from al-Qaida? Or is it the Republicans' long-awaited October surprise?

Ellis Henican

10/29/04 "Newsday" -- A 75-minute videotape, featuring a scary-looking fellow in sunglasses and a Palestinian headscarf, warning that blood will "run red" in the streets of America.


There was no actual evidence yesterday that the late October tape was produced in Karl Rove's basement or Ed Gillespie's garage.

But the top-ranking Republicans politicos, who've been enduring a drip-drip of difficult news, were said to be grinning like they hadn't since the term "swift boat" led the evening news. However the tape materialized - wink, wink - it dovetails almost perfectly with the president's fear-based campaign.

And what a piece of work this video is!

The speaker is identified as "Azzam the American," which you have to admit is an odd name to choose for someone seeking to connect with "my fellow countrymen." Not Jimmy the American or Bill the American.


He speaks in what sounds like the villain's dialogue in a bad Schwarzenegger film.

"Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood, matching drop for drop the blood of America's victims," he says, wagging his finger at the camera. "What took place on September 11th was but the opening salvo in the global war on America."

Azzam goes on like that for a good long while in clearly accented English, addressing his "fellow" Americans.

"You are guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty," he says. "You are as guilty as Bush and Cheney. You're as guilty as Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and Powell. After decades of American tyranny and oppression, now it's your turn to die."

Honestly, how perfect is that? An armed purported terrorist, trashing five members of the Bush administration in a single paragraph of rant. Scott McClellan couldn't have ghosted better lines.

At the very least, it ought to lay to rest who al-Qaida is pulling for on Tuesday, assuming the tape is real. This is one terror group that would obviously appreciate four more years of the same.

Boosting recruitment with the occupation of Iraq. Letting Osama bin Laden run free. Alienating America's allies.

Actually, given the political bank-shot potential here, it's a wonder bin Laden hasn't put out a press release: "Kerry is my man." That could lift Bush well beyond the margin of error and ensure one diabetic terrorist never gets caught.

But is the tape real?

There was lingering reason for skepticism last night. For one thing, never before has the terror network released its videos in English. For another, no one in U.S. intelligence seems to have heard of this dude "Azzam." If al-Qaida really had a pre-election message for America, why not send out a spokesman who is already known?

But U.S. government experts were saying the video did bear the same production logo as some legitimate al-Qaida tapes. The tape included a simultaneous Arabic translation, which takes some work, and there's even a news-ticker "crawl" on the screen that would be familiar to viewers of Fox and CNN.

A couple of snippets from the tape aired on ABC News last night, after being analyzed by Brian Ross and the network's investigative team. Ross said the tape was received by an ABC producer in Pakistan. Specialists from the FBI and the CIA also scrutinized the video.

None of them could say for certain that the tape was real - or pin down the motives of those who put it out and promoted its airing at such a politically sensitive time.

But here was a hint.

First word of the tape leaked on the Drudge Report. Matt Drudge and then other right-leaning pundits pounded on ABC to air it, while Ross and his broadcast colleagues moved methodically. The righties certainly didn't think it would hurt Bush.

But October is almost over. Election Day is almost here. The WMDs are still missing. Osama is still on the loose.

So any pre-election surprises had better show up quickly - the accidental or the purposeful kind.

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
If anything I would think this tape would remind people that Osama is still out there...the world's most dangerous criminal remains uncaught, undealt-with...

But I agree with OTB (yikes!) - speculating about the political consequences of such a tape from such a source is, well, macabre to say the least. I'm not a fan of supressing such material, but I think when we are speculating whether Osama is good for Bush or good for Kerry we have a too accute case of election fever.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
spin doctor, spin docter, spin me a truth. Make this tape be forgoten by youth. Don't let the people hear osamas realese. Both tapes with make kerry weak in the knees. People will see him reteat and that's bad. Spin doctor, spin doctor make me a truth, that we can sell to the American Youth. Spin doctor, spin doctor Kerry needs help, keep quiet this time so it doesn't blow up, like explosives he said were lost by the US. But is seems the UN had screwed up themselfs by call them good and leaving them there. Spin dpctor, spin doctor, this just aint fair.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I'm not sure who the tape helps more. Both sides can (and are) using it to their advantage.

It helps Bush because it reminds americans that terrorism is still a big threat and takes the focus off the ailing economy and job loss. It also helps Bush because it reinforces what I always felt - that a Kerry win does not mean less terror attacks because the terror attacks will be based on US policy as he states and some issues mentioned on the tape aren't going to change if Kerry gets elected (support of Israel, troops in Iraq, etc)

It helps Kerry because it reiterates his stance that the Bush Administration should have focused on him more instead of wasting time/effort/money into the disaster in Iraq and how Bush let Osama get away.
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