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New member
Dec 15, 2005
Long time lurker. I haven't done reviews before but I feel that you guys have helped me and I need to help you. I called Samantha in Ptbo. SAVE YOUR MONEY GUYS!!! I can't discribe how "F'd" up this girl is. She showed up wearing a mini skirt that didn't cover ANYTHING ( not dicrete at all). She wore that from her car. The entire time all she did was talk about herself and how good her body is and blah blah blah! Her haircut looked like she did it herself while she was stoned. Her eyes never made contact with anything. She just didn't seem hooked up. Like the elevator got stuck between floors and there wasn't an emergency button. I do have to say that all I wanted was a BJ. She gave a desent BBBJ but kept stopping to ask if I was sure I didnt want to "DO such a fine body" Not a turn on for me to have a girl talking about herself like she was Pam Anderson.
Discretion: 3/10
looks: 6/10 (nice body but get a wig until the hair grow in)
service: 6/10 ( wants to pls but that elevator thing)
menu: hard to say because all I wanted was a BJ
repeat: not anytime soon

Sorry Hanna, WE have fun together but I won't be calling for a threesome. I will be calling you again soon though.


New member
Dec 15, 2005
I dont think Hanna wants to do a Threesome anymore with Sam but I don't want to speak for her. Hopefully Hanna can back up what i am saying about the "elevator" thing.


New member
Dec 15, 2005
There is NO worry about Hanna losing clients. She has a good rep and I do not have an alterior motive. Everyone always says to post your review and I did. Sam PM'd me and was VERY easy to talk to. I didn't know at the time of my review that she was new to the biz.i thought she was new to Hanna. I know there are A LOT of guys that will find her extremly hot. Just look at the pics. Sam and I both agreed that I could have talked to her before posting the review. How many guys do that though? It was strictly my opinion but I guess I am not entitled to that because I haven't posted enough. As for the BBBJ, it was very clear that that was all i wanted. Look the bottom line is, everyone is entitled to their opinion and not every opinion will be positive. Sam may have been nervous because she is new. Try and find out for yourselves. She still got a positve grade except for the discretion and I said I wouldn't repeat anytime soon. That doesn't mean NEVER again. Like I said we have talked since and she apologized for the discretion thing (professional to do) and said told me then that she was new to the biz. The fact that she PM'd me instead of arguing on the board showed me the integredy of Samantha and she has swayed me into believing there is growth and from what she said to me and how she said it I know she is eager to please. I believe I said that in my review under service!


Aug 1, 2003
fullspeed said:
After talking to Samantha, I think she will do very well.
i just talked to her and booked her for 7pm tonight so i will review her;)

i didn't click with hanna (review in archives) as i am more into the smaller model types.

as always i will post a review.good bad or indifferent.

i do my own comparison shopping.........after taking in everyones elses view point for reference. i think she has potential..she sure has the body and the looks. so i will judge for myself.
thanks for the info.........i did not know she existed till tonight.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
Hey listen Fullspeed, your review of Samantha was just fine in my opinion.You spent your hard earned cash on this particular s.p., weren't happy for the reasons you explained in your review, and simply shared your experience with the members of this board. That is why this forum exists right? Some reviews will be negative others positive. I myself don't see anything "questionable" or "agenda" based when I compare your review to others that have had unsatisfying experiences and posted them. Standing back and looking at this thread if anyone might have an agenda I dare say KWI you might have one. You yourself state that Samantha was or is a client of your internet design & consulting business. It only make sense you try to defend a client of yours when a negative review is posted about them. It looks good on your companies portfolio if s.p.'s and escort agencies who's websites were designed by you are doing well right? Maybe I'm off base with my observation but let me ask you this "k"...if Fullspeeds unflatering review was of an s.p. who had no affiliation with KWI Consulting would you have flown down from the clouds in your invisible airplane to defend her like you are? Would you be picking apart his review and trying to nullify his credibility like you are? Even though Fullspeed is new to posting (as I am now too) compared to your " senior member" statis I will take his opinion of Samantha into consideration over yours. Why? He actually paid and played with her. You didn't. You were just paid by her.

Lover Of Brunettes

Juliet Worshiper Forever
Jun 25, 2005
Mr. Dajodo said:
Hey listen Fullspeed, your review of Samantha was just fine in my opinion.You spent your hard earned cash on this particular s.p., weren't happy for the reasons you explained in your review, and simply shared your experience with the members of this board. That is why this forum exists right? Some reviews will be negative others positive. I myself don't see anything "questionable" or "agenda" based when I compare your review to others that have had unsatisfying experiences and posted them. Standing back and looking at this thread if anyone might have an agenda I dare say KWI you might have one. You yourself state that Samantha was or is a client of your internet design & consulting business. It only make sense you try to defend a client of yours when a negative review is posted about them. It looks good on your companies portfolio if s.p.'s and escort agencies who's websites were designed by you are doing well right? Maybe I'm off base with my observation but let me ask you this "k"...if Fullspeeds unflatering review was of an s.p. who had no affiliation with KWI Consulting would you have flown down from the clouds in your invisible airplane to defend her like you are? Would you be picking apart his review and trying to nullify his credibility like you are? Even though Fullspeed is new to posting (as I am now too) compared to your " senior member" statis I will take his opinion of Samantha into consideration over yours. Why? He actually paid and played with her. You didn't. You were just paid by her.
That's a mouthful for post #1.


New member
Dec 15, 2005
KWI, I hope you don't think that mr. dajodo is me. I have been on this board for awhile. I have never changed my name. My opinion of Sam is mine and yours is yours. I said previously that she was a pro about PM me and she may have had an off day. But, can you answer one thing for me? Before someone posts a review, are we all supposed to call the SP to find out if it was a bad day or if they are new or are we supposed to just review on our experiences?


Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA
Mr. Dajodo said:
Hey listen Fullspeed, your review of Samantha was just fine ... would you have flown down from the clouds in your invisible airplane to defend her like you ...
That's pretty funny. Wasn't it "wonderwoman" who used that Invisible airplane?

Fullspeed: I think every opinion is just that - of course are all entitled to them. In fact, they are welcome. You did the right thing by saying what it was that you didn't like - since I know a lot of guys are turned on by the same things that turned you off. Ptbo is a fairly small pool of talent and I think we all noticed you did not completely rule out seeing her again. You didn't say how much you paid or how long it lasted or many details. I bet that every sp thinks they are great. If they don't, they should get another job. Perhaps you didn't realize that it's your job to tell her how hot she looks, how great her greatest asset is. How guilty you feel about being with a woman who looks like she's 17 (even if she's pushing 50) How you feel lucky that she could fit you into her tight schedule. Did you tell her that you wondered if you eyes would ever be the same after they had rolled into the back of their sockets when she finished you off? If you go on like this for a few minutes you might find that she wanted to change the topic. <grin>



Dec 18, 2005
Gee, whose panties are in a bunch now? Alright KWI I'll go back to my original user name. I am not hiding anything. Look KWI, sorry I rattled your cage. I have never meet you and have no axe to grind with you. I am not calling you a liar. Yes you do seem to have credibility on this board. I am only saying this... When a review was written about Samantha and you pop up in the thread like a jack in the box to try and prop her back up again with you stating..." being that I have read this and being that I have seen that and being I have talked to so n so" I find the accused author guilty of having some alterior motive in his review. Talking like you are a judge in The Supreme Court of Canada handing down your ruling. Look KWI I am not saying you're not entitled to your opinion. I was only pointing out to you that your reply could be interpreted as agenda based as well. Was it? I'll take your word that it wasn't. I doubt Fullspeeds was also. I wish Samantha shining success in the future as well.

p.s.- I created my new account with a slight modification to my username 2 days before this thread existed. So don't think I did it all 'cause of you. Sweetie.LOL.(I tried to put that sarcastic smile face here but can't figure out how to do it.) Hey KWI you're good with computers. Could you help me please!

Mr. Dajodo


Dec 18, 2005
Thanks Fip, glad you got the Wonder Woman joke. Hey Fip, you say it was Fullspeeds job to tell her how good she looks? How wonderful she is? How lucky he is? Umm... I think all Fullspeed wanted was to pay her for a simple bj. NOT FUCKING TRYING TO ASK FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE!!! Come on buddy.LOL.


Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA
dajodo2 said:
Thanks Fip, glad you got the Wonder Woman joke. Hey Fip, you say it was Fullspeeds job to tell her how good she looks? How wonderful she is? How lucky he is? Umm... I think all Fullspeed wanted was to pay her for a simple bj. NOT FUCKING TRYING TO ASK FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE!!! Come on buddy.LOL.

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