New Studio Concept


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
I was hoping to get everone's opinion on this...

If there were to be a new studio opening in Ottawa, outline the following...

Location? Is there an end of town that is better or worse?
Cost? What Dollar amount would everyone be happy with? (resonably)
Attendants? Preferences with Age, experience, looks, ect...
Atmosphere? What types of atmospheric items are important to everyone?
Times? 30min, 45min, 60min, more?

Any other points that might make the scene better?

For one, this studio would be managed right here from Terb... All terb members would get a discount, freebies over time, and an open area to ask questions, make suggestions, and anything else.

Does having a man in the studio (the owner) Make anyone uncomfortable?

Would there be benefit to having an "upscale" studio?
More costly, but better service, better atmosphere, ect...

Any other points that you would like to see in a studio?


ncn2004 said:
I was hoping to get everone's opinion on this...

If there were to be a new studio opening in Ottawa, outline the following...

Location? Is there an end of town that is better or worse?
Cost? What Dollar amount would everyone be happy with? (resonably)
Attendants? Preferences with Age, experience, looks, ect...
Atmosphere? What types of atmospheric items are important to everyone?
Times? 30min, 45min, 60min, more?

Any other points that might make the scene better?

For one, this studio would be managed right here from Terb... All terb members would get a discount, freebies over time, and an open area to ask questions, make suggestions, and anything else.

Does having a man in the studio (the owner) Make anyone uncomfortable?

Would there be benefit to having an "upscale" studio?
More costly, but better service, better atmosphere, ect...

Any other points that you would like to see in a studio?

I prefer from downtown west or southwest. I'm sure this is where you'll get lots of different answers depending where guys live. To me I'd also prefer a bit out of the downtown core so there's some parking.

I'm happy with the rates I pay now, 40-50-60 as long as extras are reasonable. I've paid more at places where HJ was included in the door fee. I've also paid the above rate and had HJ included and was even happier. *lol* As for times I usually go for 45 to an hour. I actually enjoy the rub as well as the tug.

As for attendants my opinion is you'd want as wide a variety as possible. Most guy sseem to prefer young pretty things but there are a few who've mentioned they go for more mature MAs. To me variety is a great thing and you damn well better have an asian or 2!

For atmoshphere you can't beat oxygen ....... seriously to me a fancy plce is less impressive to me than cleanliness and privacy. Yes, extra little goodies are nice but don't sway me a lot. Give me a place with a discreet entrance with a cute asian MA (OK, a cute MA of any race, I like em all), free and discreet parking, clean with showers (and a shower head on a hose to reach those hard to reach areas) with decent privacy and reasonable extras and I'd drive a few minutes extra to get there.

As for a man in the studio, depends who and where he is. If he collects the cash and disappears fine, I don't want to see or hear from him until I'm leaving and he wants to be sure I'm satisfied. There have been guys in places I didn't mind but others that made me uncomfortable by their manner.

I'm sure there's things I'll think of later but here's a start for you since no one else has bothered .......



Jan 20, 2004
License Aquisition

Good luck on getting one from the city, and just out of curiosity, what would be the initial investment cost for this type of venture, if you need a silent partner, let me know....


The origial MrE....
May 17, 2005
my 2 cents

Everything that slurp said is true. Do not have to be fancy, but clean. Private entrance is a plus.

I have been to many MP places with a guy at the desk. His attitude is the main draw back.

Central located, out of DT core for parking.

Good luck and keep us posted!


New member
Jan 17, 2005
this is how good things start

This may seem somewhat radical but here goes.

Great questions ncn - here's a different slant.

What this city needs is a 'red light district' - a legal one, located outside the city limits, with ample discrete parking. You can have a selection of the traditional gentlemen's clubs, plus spas, a casino, restaurants, an MP or two and the full service establishments. The girls would be legally employed, have regular health checkups and pay appropriate taxes. Rates would be based on services and 'options'.

What do you think?


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2003
East of here, west of there
A new studio? Well it would have to have Jasmin and Taylor working there...

Seriously, the most important thing apart from attractive women with good attitudes, good technique, and good conversational skills are privacy and dealing directly with the owner(s). I will simply not go to any place where there are walk-ins or where more than one client is in the facility at a time. I don't want to see any other guys there whether they are working there or visiting.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Thank you everyone.. these are all excellant points! Keep them coming, and maybe over the next few months, a new place will pop up...

As for the red light district.. unfortunately in Ottawa, the population is not really swayed by that sort of idea... thats why ther hasn't been one put up yet..


Jan 19, 2003
Three words:


Train the ladies to tease and please and you'll make a bundle. Too many places don't seem to bother, consequently the service is all over the map.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts