New Sony Patent

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
What a load of crap

Sony patents anti-rental tech
Could be used in PlayStation 3, Blu-ray
By George T. Chronis 11/14/2005
NOV. 10 | It recently came to light that Sony Computer Entertainment received a U.S. patent exactly one year before on a one-system-one-disc technology that renders movie or game discs useless on more than one playback unit. If implemented, the technology would prevent affected discs from being rented or resold.

There is no evidence that the technology is slated for SCE's PlayStation 3, yet the digital rights management scheme has far-reaching implications for the video rental industry.

The patent describes a process by which every media disc is shipped with a unique registration key. The first time the media disc is inserted into a player, that key is read and the disc is registered by the player, then the original key on the disc is rendered unreadable. Any attempt to play a registered disc in another player will fail.

The PS3 will be equipped with the same Blu-ray disc drive hardware Sony intends to use in its consumer Blu-ray players. If the one-system-one-disc technology is added to Blu-ray drives on the PS3, the same easily could be done with consumer Blu-ray players and computer Blu-ray


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ok, let me ask you something: why is this a problem for you?

As for rental units, I am sure they will be able to produce discs that are readable by all players for the rental market. If they choose not to, so be it....

I agree that it is a pain in the ass when you buy a game and you don't like it, and the rental program will prevent the needless outlay of the large amounts they charge for games these days, but if a company opts for a technology that protects their product from copyright infringement, then that is their perogative....

The free market will decide whether they will or continue to do this (if they in fact do produce proprietary discs).


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
Because it's uneccessarily restrictive. Kids spend $60-$80 bucks for a game and then they cant even take it over to their friend's place to play?

Most of the games being produced now can be "finished" in a short amount of time. The new technology will prevent anyone from selling or trading their own games away to their buddies after they are finished with it. That's a rip off.

This also means that they may be looking to try the same thing with DVD movies on BluRay. How would that work? Does that mean you can use a movie on two different players? What happens if you upgrade?

Also, what happens when your PS3 breaks down and you get another one? All of your games would be USELESS because it was encoded with your original unit. Thumbs down.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
I don't condone piracey,but I also don't think it's reasonable to expect a customer/purchaser whatever you want to call us , to be limited to a single machine for playing the game or watching a DVD.


a muddy reclining Buddha
What will happen when a guy buys a new DVD player? I mean we all upgrade our equipment every few years. Will all his old DVD's become garbage since they will not play on any other DVD player including a new one.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Along with Bell, I can't stand Sony as a company, and I've dealt with their corporate people here in Canada. First hand, AAAND regularly.
That company is evil, the rootkit scandal in recent months, is just an example of what they will do to consumers.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
I cant play my kids DVDs in the car???? or play their PS2 in the car either now??? WTF Sony u screwed up with the root kit and now this.
Sony Entertainment is suing technology side because of cds and mini disks ... wtf s wrong with people..... not enough billions???

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Gentle Ben said:
I don't condone piracey,but I also don't think it's reasonable to expect a customer/purchaser whatever you want to call us , to be limited to a single machine for playing the game or watching a DVD.
I agree 100%. If you buy a game, you should be able to use it on whatever machine you want.

This idea won't float.

But the future is no disks anyways. Soon everything will be on a central server and you'll simply pay a one-time or monthly access fee to run a program/game off the central server (e.g. Windows for $10.99 a month). You'll never have the full program/game to copy, burn, trade, rent, or whatever.


Jun 29, 2003
this will go the way of the "beta" bird.


New member
Dec 13, 2002
Companies tried something similar to this when DVD's first came out. It was called Divx. Basically a pay-per-view DVD. It failed.
When I buy or rent a movie I want to be able to play it anywhere.
BTW, I hate Sony with a passion.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
lickrolaine said:
this will go the way of the "beta" bird.
And the Elcassette, and all the stuff that Sony has been trying to shove down our collective throats. This is a case where one of the big pllayers is trying to dominate the world and forcing new technolgy on us all. I think that some one should sue Sony for some of the electro-garbage landfill that we have to deal with. Wouldn't that be a really severe wake-up call for them!


New member
Apr 29, 2002
beta bomb
those mini-disc players, got bit in the ass HARD, ESPECIALLY when Apple came out with their iPod and other flash based mp3 devices.
Then Sony released the patent on their mini-discs because they lost a HUGE market. Good on them, fuckers.
Memory Stick, before it was only made by Sony, then they realized, shit, we're losing money here to. So 3rd party companies are now making them, with Sony reaping some of their coin back.
Really hate them.
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