New security measures at US ports of entry ?


New member
Jan 31, 2003
This is something that happened to me a few days ago at Chicago airport:

I was flying into TO via Chicago hub, from an internationl destination. As usual, everyone has to clear customs before making other connections. That part was fine, but as I was about to drop my luggage, after clearing custom, onto the conveyer belt for connecting flights, a staff greeted and told me ( and a group of other Canadian travellers ) that we needed to unlock all our checked in luggage and leave them there for hand search, after which the cleared luggage will be forwarded for connection by them. If locks are not opened, they will be broken if needed.

I have used the Chicago hub for almost 15 years and have never had anything like that, not even right after 911. Needless to say, considering the state of North American luggage handling security, leaving unattended unlocked luggage to anyone other than myself was very nerve wrecking. We all had no choice but to unlock all luggage and proceed to check in at other terminals.

One of the staff, however, who was doing the search, was at least trying to be helpful and assured us that everything would be ok, and all luggage would be closed properly and flight ready.

Anyway, my luggage arrived OK, and it was indeed searched ,and the combination lock was properly relocked. A Notification of Baggage Inspection was left inside my searched luggage, briefly explaining that security search.

I hope this info is helpful for those who plan to travel internationally via any US hub.

Here is the link, as provided on the note, to TSA ( Transportation Security Administration )
When I went to Washington D.C a few months ago, there was a few extra precautions taken. Because the President lives in D.C, they had to check every piece of luggage manually and my person. Not only was it embarrassing to see my panties and vibrator strewn across the table (like Lara *lol*), in view of my fellow passengers, the search took so long- I missed my flight!



This is not new as Lara has as siad, I travelled through Miami 4 times last year.. checked baggage goes up conveyor through detector. if the light on to goes off then they pull it aside.. with ou present and search it in a short cubicle. I never had the pleasure of having my luggage searched in the USA, however the country in South America that I travel to searches your luggage upon entry as well as exit, but mine was not searched on entry because the soldier, wearing his surgical mask asked which city I was from, I said Toronto with a little cough and he told me to go ahead without being searched... thanks to the SARS scare!!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
each and every piece of cecked luggage is XRAYED and can be searched in Chaciago. As you check in they direct you to a secrrity point for the luggage.

No biggie. I personally wish thyey would do the same for trains and busses


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Lara_Conbacio said:
- asking how to find your website!lol
-asking for a date ! roflmao
Ah aa... that, I can indeed understand :cool:

I have no problem with having my stuff hand searched. As before, when they were carried out in my presence, at least I could help them to close and lock up the luggage. The thing was, the TSA staff said specifically that all had to unlock checked in luggage, and leave the premise. And once they start on your luggage, you can't touch or even help them relocking your piece(s).... not knowing wether they relocked my luggage properly, and content theft by other airport handlers down the line were my main concern.

None the less, I have to give the TSA points for leaving my luggage in one piece, all content accounted for.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts