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New MP in Bells Corner???


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Was passing by a few nights ago when I had a late dinner at A Taste of Japan in BC where some of the Sens dine. Saw a big new neon sign up of a MP ... Maybe it is good news for those that are in the West so there is more than Luna to pick from .... I could be wrong but I thought it was Angels Touch or something like that ..... or maybe not so good news after all ....


Average Sized Member
Nov 7, 2003
Anywhere you want
It is Angel's Touch and they've been trying to open up for a while now. This will be their 2nd location (just in case people thought they were moving). Apparantly they are having issues getting permits.


I saw the sign and was wondering but forgot about it, thanks for reminding me ......


New member
Feb 22, 2003
yak2432 said:
They've even got a web site going.

Let's hope its as nice as it looks.
"Visit our classy new location with many new faces and some favorites that you may already know. Features include a VIP room, exclusive blah blah blah, showers, floors, all custom to make you feel like a king"

I'm really looking forward to trying the exclusive blah blah blah.... :)
Jul 28, 2006
yak2432 said:
...Let's hope its as nice as it looks.

It aint, with my finely tunned skills for spotting fake photos

take a look at their website at the very last picture of one of their supposed rooms and then look at this site

about half way down the page. Seems you'll have to visit the middle east to see such an luxurious room, a lot farther than Bells Corners, now aint' it!!

If that pic is stolen the the chances are so are the others, so if they don't wanna show there actual rooms, makes you wonder what you're gonna get, just like scam agencies that don't show pictures of their actual girls. Buyer beware!

Finaly the funniest part about their site is that a truly classy establishment would never use the word "classy" to describe them selves, let alone more than once on the same page! Also the use of blah, blah, blah, yeah that's a real classy joint.

I've never understood how that place stays in business I've never been and don't plan to ever go. I've had the opportunity to see the staff and scratch my head in disbelief but to each his own.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
trichome said:
That is so bad. I get less and less impressed by certain elements of this industry as time goes on.

No links on there work for me at all. Is it under construction maybe? Or very Mac unfriendly..


New member
Nov 9, 2004
HappiestDude said:
No links on there work for me at all. Is it under construction maybe? Or very Mac unfriendly..

No is not your mac, I just tried with a PC with IE and Firefox


New member
I guess it's not just me is it just me - the links aren't working.

Kudos though to AT for wanting to improve their reputation - everyone deserves a fresh start with a clean slate.

Glad to see the overall quality attempting to improve all over the City - we even have a well-known spa (I won't name names) calling themselves ottawa's "premier hostess lounge". I thought we were Ottawa's Premier Hostess Lounge... but hey, there is a saying, "imitation is the greatest form of flattery"...

Seems I have started a trend....... lol.

Great new site AT - looking forward to seeing the rest of it.


Jan 19, 2003
I'm a little puzzled by the headline on their website "SPECIALIZING IN PAMPER MEN".
What the heck is a Pamper man? Is that someone who likes to wear diapers?
Jul 28, 2006
But it's not a clean slate as you put it CMJ.

The slate is tarnished with blatantly deceptive (stolen) pictures and poor poor editorial content and inappropriate use of the word classy LOL.

CMJ don't ruin your rep by acknowledging such deceipt as great, it's the same old stuff in different packaging. If they were starting with a clean slate, why not wait till the site is ready to launch, why not show actual pictures rather than pictures from other resorts. I don't buy it, if it look like a duck....


Cowboy Kenny said:
Both links work in all browsers here on the ranch.
I think some are saying the links on the new AT site for the attendants etc aren't working and the prev poster was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're going to fix all the links and duplicate blah blah blah. The links for attendant, rooms etc do nothing when clicked for me with Firefox.

Of course if they were as smart as they are classy they would have not allowed the site to be viewed until it's done. But it's not hard to imagine that AT owners don't hold their original establishment in the same low esteem that the average Terbite does ......

But I agree with CMJ, if they truly are trying to upgrade then kudos to them. Once the site is finished if they still are using stolen and fake photos then we can have a field day. I say give them a bit more time to show their true colours :rolleyes:
Jul 28, 2006
Slurp, you're so smart! I thought they meant the links I provided, yeah the links from the at site are bad.

Yall are much more forgiving than the cowboy as far as a clean slate goes, hopefully they check here and will see that we're on to them. I really do like to think the best of people but I don't give out many second chances, i've learned all too often that's when you get burned.
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