Ashley Madison

New asian girl at 621



Saw Jenny who had just arrived aday earlier. Connie & Maggie both had day off.. the guy said Jenny was just as good, he was wrong.

Pleasant looking, 28, 34a, a bit think around middle. Decent massage until the flip. She's not into it at all, just there for the $$$. Avoid.


Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003

I also tried this girl and would not recommend was not really into it and wanted to much $$ for the extras. The guy working at this place told me connie and magie were gone.


oh no !!!!!

Jiffy Pop said:
I The guy working at this place told me connie and magie were gone.
say it ain't so .................



The origial MrE....
May 17, 2005
Jiffy Pop said:
I also tried this girl and would not recommend was not really into it and wanted to much $$ for the extras. The guy working at this place told me connie and magie were gone.
Nooo. I pray this is wrong!!!! :(


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
ya the rent was up. usually is every month or two.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
you guys do know that tokyo rose also rotates their staff at the same rate right? they even bring in girls for just a week at a time.

and its 120 for the half if i remember correctly.


The origial MrE....
May 17, 2005
Jimmy was there!!! and sherri

Jiffy Pop said:
I also tried this girl and would not recommend was not really into it and wanted to much $$ for the extras. The guy working at this place told me connie and magie were gone.

Dropped in tonite, Jimmy was back, not that other guy who lies! Anyway, Jimmy said that Maggie and Connie are coming back in a week or so, lets cross our fingers.

Saw the Jenny girl but took a girl named Sheri. cute girl, lovly eyes! Massage was OK, not much on extras and a bit pricy but I was happy to give in. I did come out of there not in the least unhappy about the $. She was so sweet and tasty! :p


Great news on Connie & Maggie!

Harddaysknight said:
Dropped in tonite, Jimmy was back, not that other guy who lies! Anyway, Jimmy said that Maggie and Connie are coming back in a week or so, lets cross our fingers.
I doubt they're coming back to 621 as they've opened their own place. That's right, yesterday was their first day, the ad in the Sun says "New Asian" and "international massage", phone # is 769-xxxx.

They have a small 2 bedroom apartment near Bank & Gladstone for now. I was fortunate to be Connie's 2nd customer, called their # after talking to the guy at 621 who told me they were still "on vacation". Called the new ad and after declining an appt realized it was Connie I had talked to ..... called back and went over, we were both happy to have found each other.

Connie said Jimmy had them working 12 to 14 hour days with rarely a break. There are going to be some details to be worked out as it seems Maggie was overbooking already a few hours into the new biz. Connie was not happy at all, hopefully they'll work it out. Connie's room is very small and she has a bed & massage table crammed in. The best news is that the prices are even less than at 621, which I thought were reasonable.

Lucky for us they have not left town and it looks like they'll be here longer than originally planned. They had both said they were only staying a few months and then going back to Toronto.

Happy days are here again ;)


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
well i hope for their sake they don't have reprecussions to going out on their own.. this isn't a business where people play nice. but hope them the best and i'll be sure to see maggie.

as for jenny at 621. i saw her. thing was that her attitude was amazing she was really kind and caring. like. actually NICE. service was not stellar but it was given with heart. she is chubby. and not exactly pretty. lol.

as for sherri. she isn't big on extras. but facially pretty. body isn't there as she's mid 30's. A cup breasts and a lil round around the waist not quite as much as jenny but still not much to look at.

my opinion is that buddy needs to rotate staff already lol


The origial MrE....
May 17, 2005
slurp said:

Connie said Jimmy had them working 12 to 14 hour days with rarely a break.

Happy days are here again ;)

Sounds great!, they were putting in long hours, maybe it was just Jimmyes wishful thinking and thinking about the mistake he made!

Thanks for the info!


Sherri, Shirley

Harddaysknight said:
Dropped in tonite, Jimmy was back, not that other guy who lies! Anyway, Jimmy said that Maggie and Connie are coming back in a week or so, lets cross our fingers.

Saw the Jenny girl but took a girl named Sheri. cute girl, lovly eyes! Massage was OK, not much on extras and a bit pricy but I was happy to give in. I did come out of there not in the least unhappy about the $. She was so sweet and tasty!
I think I saw this same girl tonight, called Jimmy and he said Jenny and "Shirley" (that's what my brain heard and when I asked her if her name was Shirley she said yes) were on. Not relishing another dose of Jenny I asked for Shirley.

She is very cute, 22 from Japan. A pretty nice rack of about 34b, she looked pretty nice overall. Says she's been in Canada 3 month, hates Toronto but likes Ottawa and thinks she'll stay. She is a very sweet girl.

Similar experience as HDK, massage was not that hot, at the end I asked for a foot massage and it was pretty lame. After rubbing my back a bit she spent quite a bit of time rubbing my ass and thighs. I've never had my ass massaged like that or for that long,that part was very nice. She never did get to my arms or legs.

As with all girls at 621 not named Connie or Maggie the extras were not that great and overpriced. Think I'll wait to see where our golden girls C&M settle ............

Still, this young cutie may be what the doctor ordered for some of you asian lovers out there if eye candy is important.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts