New alcohol spray makes you feel drunk with one squirt


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Two inventors have come up with the perfect gift for the alcoholic on your shopping list: a mouth spray that gets you sloshed in seconds.

Europeans can now purchase a handy-dandy mouth spray called WA|HH Quantum Sensations that its inventors say makes users feel drunk in just seconds. The effects also disappear within seconds.

Each dose gives the user a blast of just 0.075 milliliters of alcohol.

One is left wondering just why someone would spend time and effort inventing something that has no obvious raison d'être. No human I ever met sat around wondering how to get drunk quickly for a few seconds. Hours or days, yes. But never seconds.

What could possibly be the advantage of an alcohol spray whose effects quickly fade when compared to a glass of something that tastes nice and lingers?

The cost of WA|HH (which must have got its name from what users exclaim after a spray) is about $25 CDN for 20 sprays, so it doesn't beat real drinks in terms of value.

So there's no upside, but many downsides: kids might like to give WA|HH a shot – so to speak – and maybe we'll find ourselves stuck next to people who lose control of themselves in public places.

Wouldn't life be greatly improved if people fell over drunk in the street, on the bus or in an airplane? Given the spray's tiny size it could easily get smuggled into clubs, classrooms and movie theatres. Is that what we want?

There's no word on when the European spray will be sold in Canada, but there's no rush. We have plenty of booze of our own.

The WA|HH concept is so ludicrous that the inventors – French American scientist David Edwards and designer Philippe Starck – should be asked if they will take requests regarding their next equally useless invention. I'd suggest a spray that tastes of nothing or one that makes the user feel suspicious or creates the illusion that they are one half-inch shorter than they actually are.

In fact, you have to wonder if Starck and Edwards were using a bit too much alcohol when they came up with their idea.

And the mocking doesn't end there: the two men have previously given the world Whif, a spray that makes the user taste different flavours without actually eating or drinking anything - but once again, what's the point?

Robert Pandina is the director of the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey and he believes the WA|HH spray may use flavourings to create the illusion that the user is intoxicated.

"It is nonsense," Pandida said of WA|HH's claims. "It is patently, physiologically impossible" to get drunk without a sizeable amount of alcohol in your bloodstream.

Should alcohol sprays be made illegal in Canada? Would you try WA|HH if it was available here?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
sure I'd use it if it mean I wouldn't get a hangover the next day, feel dehydrated etc.

Can you imagine getting a little buzz to ease yourself before meeting someone or a meeting?

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
The thrill of a roller coaster only lasts a few minutes, yet people line up for them.

Maybe they should also be banned. :eyebrows:
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