New Ad in Record ?


New member
May 9, 2002
The ad states " twice the deal " so I called the number and its 90 for the half and 120 for the hour . I asked what twice the deal meant and she said msog for the hour !!!! Shes located at bridgeport and weber and her name is Alison. Does anybody have any info on this one or am I going to be the scapegoat ??


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
saturn said:
Does anybody have any info on this one or am I going to be the scapegoat?
I don't think anyone wishes for you to be a scapegoat Saturn.....

scape·goat (noun)

1. One that is made to bear the blame of others.

2. Bible - A live goat over whose head Aaron confessed all the sins of the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement. The goat, symbolically bearing their sins, was then sent into the wilderness.

By the address you've listed, I can confirm that it has to be the same Alison that's been in the paper for years, only now she appears to be offering MSOG. Do a quick search as there should be some decent background information. Briefly, I've seen her once... nothing special... great milky white natural tits were easily the highlight... she's older and has advertised greek services, but I never took her up on the offer. I would not repeat... too many other better quality SP's in the area.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Same Alison!

"Twice the deal" is the same number for Alison or "Madame Alison". I went to see her about a month ago for her fluency in greek but I had to turn away when I met her in person. She was definitely not as per her description and she had a lot of visible marks on her legs & thighs which really turned me off. Too bad though cause I don't know of any other incall sp's that speak greek.
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