Depends on why you're asking
Either you're a customer or a dancer;
if you're a customer hoping for extras:
The only clubs i've heard of this happening in have been out of the way places and the people who have described them to me invariably described them as AVOID at all costs. dirty needles on the floor, stains on the celings and walls and varitable science experiment of micro organisms in the bed sheets.
You're better off at the FS clubs in Quebec
if you're a dancer hoping for cheap accomodation:
Pick a busy club, go there and ask the girls where inexpensive accomodation can be found. There are always inexpensive hotels around and the girls at the clubs know them. The money you make working at a more popular club will probably offset the additional cost of transportation to and from the hotel. You have the added benefit of not having customers know where you are staying in case you happen to catch the fancy of someone you'd rather leave behind.