Need advice on hobbying in Europe


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I'll be visiting a friend in the UK this year and decided to take some additional time off to do some travelling across Europe. Can anyone give me any adivce on the best places to hobby in Europe for a foreigner? I haven't decided on any particular places yet (except the UK). Despite the hype, I don't think I want to hit Amsterdam - seems like a place that is lots of fun with a bunch of buddies but maybe more lame if you are solo. I checked out the WSG on a variety of countries but have been disappointed in what I found. Looks like you really need some inside info otherwise, being a foreigner, chances are high you'll get ripped off. Any advice of where to go, who to get info/contacts and so on would be much appreciated....
May 4, 2005
I've heard Prague described as the Thailand of Europe.

Legal brothels, escorts, FKK clubs, with better prices than Germany.

From the pics I've seen of the Czech clubs, the Czech women seem more attractive as well. Isn't that where the Sports Illustrated models and Donald Trump's wives come from? :p Also from the web sites I've seen, the Czechs try very hard to have everything in English to attract western tourists.

Prague would be tops on my list.

Followed by Germany, and then maybe Eastern Europe and former Russian republics for really low prices.

UK is even more expensive than the US!

France, Switzerland, and the other Western European countries are also too expensive, IMHO.

Prostitution is illegal in Belgium, Romania, and Sweden as well as other Scandinavian nations.


Sep 16, 2002
Don said:
I'll be visiting a friend in the UK this year and decided to take some additional time off to do some travelling across Europe. Can anyone give me any adivce on the best places to hobby in Europe for a foreigner? I haven't decided on any particular places yet (except the UK). Despite the hype, I don't think I want to hit Amsterdam - seems like a place that is lots of fun with a bunch of buddies but maybe more lame if you are solo. I checked out the WSG on a variety of countries but have been disappointed in what I found. Looks like you really need some inside info otherwise, being a foreigner, chances are high you'll get ripped off. Any advice of where to go, who to get info/contacts and so on would be much appreciated....


I have been living in Berlin, Germany for the past year & a half. I wonder what kind of inside info you are after?

As I see it, hobbying away from your 'home turf' always will increase the odds of being ripped off at least until you get the 'lay of the land'. WSG is a gold-mine of information where this sort of thing is concerned if you take the time to go back and read older posts. The increased 'danger', though in some places we are literally talking about threat, is also part of the reason hobbying away from home is such fun. It is more of an adventure.

Places like Amsterdam are kind of 'disney-fied'. Everything is there, but it is laid out in front of you, much of the juicy stuff removed. It is a ride through the heart of darkness, not the heart itself.

In contrast there are places like Budapest, Moscow, the Ukraine. In these centers you are liable to find a mugging from 'Boris' or a shake down by the local 'poize' as much a pure unsullied EE experience with an 18 yo student. But guaranteed you will have fun and feel more alive.

I have not been to Prague, but from what I hear it is on the fast track to becoming another Amsterdam. The smaller EE countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia) have some stunning 'talent'. But dropping in for a week of hobbying will likely get you nowhere near this talent as thousands upon thousands of horny Germans, Italians, Turks etc. have the same idea and the girls are, understandably, weary of guys who are 'on vacation'.

In a way I would have to say that Germany is your best bet. And Berlin is one of the more fertile spots in Germany. There are some nice Bordellos here and for the inner sleaze there are Sex Cinemas where you can get a CBJ at your seat for a mere 25 euros.

Germany also has a very active FKK scene (there is another post here in the lounge describing FKK) which can be like a candy shop of earthly delights. Women from all over the EE in one spot ready for action. And you have to do a bit of the work in getting who you want.

So let me know if you are headed for Berlin and I can point you to a few of my favorite places. Otherwise, good luck and stay safe.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
baltimoron, yoniluvrca

Thanks for the tips.

yoniluvrca: the inside info I'm looking for is simply just good, reputable agencies, SP's and clubs where I have the best chance of good service with minimal chance of getting ripped off. WSG was depressing me because it was constantly rip-off story after rip-off story. You are right, it is tough to get good service without the lay of the land... especially if you don't speak the local language.

I am a bit wary of E.Europe. I know the it is cheaper and the women look amazing - but like I said I am very wary of getting ripped off (or worse)...

Anyway thanks for the tips. I will keep Berlin in mind as a possibility..


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
You seem very concerned about rip offs. I think German FKK is your best bet for avoiding that. When you go in they explain to you the pricing structure and you know exactly what you get for your Euro. I've been to a few and have never been hit up for a tip. My recommendation would be Oase and FKK-World.


Sep 16, 2002
Don said:
I'll be visiting a friend in the UK this year and decided to take some additional time off to do some travelling across Europe. Can anyone give me any adivce on the best places to hobby in Europe for a foreigner? I haven't decided on any particular places yet (except the UK). Despite the hype, I don't think I want to hit Amsterdam - seems like a place that is lots of fun with a bunch of buddies but maybe more lame if you are solo. I checked out the WSG on a variety of countries but have been disappointed in what I found. Looks like you really need some inside info otherwise, being a foreigner, chances are high you'll get ripped off. Any advice of where to go, who to get info/contacts and so on would be much appreciated....
Just found this on ISG.

It looks pretty decent. 25GBP fpr an evening tour of the Prague night spots. Could be money well spent.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
Bring big bags of bucks( expect ot pay $200 to 250 CDN for pussy you can get in the GTA for half the price), The UK is an uncivilized place. For God sake, they do not even allow spread pussy photos in their mens magazines.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Meister said:
You seem very concerned about rip offs. I think German FKK is your best bet for avoiding that. When you go in they explain to you the pricing structure and you know exactly what you get for your Euro. I've been to a few and have never been hit up for a tip. My recommendation would be Oase and FKK-World.
Unfortunately I don't think FKK clubs is my thing. I prefer a bit more privacy for my fun. Granted I never been to an FKK club but it seems very "open" if that makes any sense. An SP or quiet club where extra are available seems more my style. Thanks for the recommendation though.


Well-known member
May 20, 2003

That's if you like tall, beautiful, natural looking women. the type that stop you dead in your tracks and make you lose your senses momentarily... until the next one walks by 10 seconds later.

Hobbying is simple and abundant. Learn a few Czech phrases beforehand and tell them you're Canadian and you're as good as gold. Go to the touristey rippers and witness scores of the most beautiful women you have ever seen lined up against the wall just waiting to be asked to dance. God, I miss it just thinking about it.

Oh yeah, and the city itself... is incredible. Visit soon while prices (for everything) are still cheap.



Jan 29, 2005
what is an FKK thinking about heading to Berlin but all this prague talk is any SPECIFIC names and places where you can bang some some hot hot YOUNG prague chicks?


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
VBB had an excellent idea for setting up an International forum section on terb, for all the travelling members to contribute to.

I second that
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