Asia Studios Massage

"naughty-naughty" at the Manor


Still Searching....
Aug 1, 2005
I was at the manor a while back and couldnt beleive the rediculous covercharges to get in the back...there was two different rooms; I cant recall for sure but the second room was something like $40 or $50 just to get in!...when I asked the girl what that included she said, "well you get to smoke, and you get a free a little more naughty-naughty."

Sorry, but if Im paying $20 a song and the cover charge is double anywhere in TO to get into the regular room; why would I want to pay $60 for one song, a watered down drink and a smoke?

Anybody else ran into this; or was she trying to rip me off???

and what is naughty-naughty?:(


New member
Jun 2, 2006
sounds a little steep for a public location transaction.... where you're likely to get busted! No?
hammertm said:
No rip off attempt.... that is what they charge. Naught-naughty = more action. :D
I was met with the same proposal a few weeks ago. While there s a suggestion of "more" in that room, when asked "How much more?" none of the girls wold say anything. Admittedly, I'm not anything close to a regular, but it wouldn't take too many songs to get up to the KW Incall Rate... where you are assured of lots of "naughty-naughty"...

Or is it pretty much guaranteed there???

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
naughty-naughty is strictly a YMMV thing. I've paid in the past and gotten nothing but air. Never repeated.

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