Toronto Passions

NATO is losing patience with one of its own members


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002

Canada has been dodging its commitment to NATO for a decade. It may not be able to hold out for much longer.

Over the past several years, Ottawa has become an outlier among the 32-member alliance. It has failed to hit domestic military spending goals, has fallen short on benchmarks to fund new equipment and has no plans to get there.

It’s a stance that has frustrated allies far and wide — from the White House to the halls of Congress to capitals all over Europe.

And it’ll be on members’ minds when they gather this week in Washington for the NATO Summit, where they are expected to press Ottawa to come up with the cash while warning that things could get much worse if Donald Trump returns to the White House.

“What’s happening now that everyone is spending more, the fact that the Canadians aren’t even trying has become obvious,” said Max Bergmann, a former State Department arms control official.

It’s perhaps surprising that Canada is a laggard on spending even though it’s proven to be a strong ally in other arenas, from its purchase of U.S. weapons to its close coordination with the U.S. in defending North America to its deployment of troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.

But interviews with a half-dozen diplomats from NATO countries make clear that when it comes to defense spending, allies are fed up.

“They’re going to continue to be obstinate” because there is no real penalty for failing to meet the alliance goal, said one U.S. congressional staffer, who like others quoted in this story was granted anonymity to speak freely about a close ally. “Europeans are frustrated that they’re being criticized and Canada is not feeling the same pressure from Washington.”

One of the 12 founding members of NATO, Canada readily signed the 2014 pledge to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense in the wake of Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea in Ukraine. The alliance as a whole might have been slow to get there, but this year, 23 of the 32 NATO members will hit the mark as fears grow along the alliance’s eastern front over Putin’s plans.

Two of the holdouts are Canada and Belgium, both of which are not only failing to meet the 2 percent goal but also the requirement to spend 20 percent of that on new equipment.

Unlike Canada, however, Belgium says it’ll get there by 2035. When will Canada? They won’t say.

The Canadian case is particularly frustrating, the diplomats say, because of Ottawa’s seeming lack of urgency, despite significant problems with its aging military equipment and its strong economy. Its military is so underfunded that half of its equipment is considered “unavailable and unserviceable” according to a leaked internal report.

“The Canadian public doesn’t really see the need,” said Philippe Lagassé, Barton chair at Canada’s Carleton University. “If forced to choose between defense spending, social programs or reducing taxes, defense would always come last. So there’s no political gain to meeting the pledge.”

Canada’s stance prompted a bipartisan group of 23 U.S. senators to take the exceedingly rare step of sending a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in May saying they were “concerned and profoundly disappointed that Canada’s most recent projection indicated that it will not reach its 2 percent commitment this decade.”

And the situation could get much worse if Trump is elected.

While Trump targets Germany and France have pledged billions more in weapons buys and are upgrading their armed forces, years of underinvestment have left Canada’s military underequipped and unready. And if the former president comes back to the White House, he’ll notice.

Yet Canadian politicians’ seeming indifference to the situation was on full display in April when Trudeau’s government released a new defense policy that gets to only 1.7 percent by 2030.

The report led some in the alliance to single out Ottawa for criticism given the country’s strong economy, lack of debt load and leading position on a variety of international security issues.

And their stance sets a bad example for others.

“I do think what Canada is doing is making it easier for European countries to go slow on getting to the mark,” one European diplomat said.

One diplomat from another NATO country said that U.S. officials have often singled out Canada in discussions as a country that isn’t doing enough to outline a path to the 2 percent, pointing to the increasingly sorry state of the Canadian arsenal as what can happen without more investment.

“There has been a clear push from the Americans that burden-sharing is very important. They’re saying it in a general way, though they have pointed to Canada specifically” as a country failing to keep up with the majority of the alliance, the official said.

The view from Washington, the congressional staffer said, is that “everyone has to make tough decisions” on how to spend on defense, even wealthy nations like Canada. “That is called being a leader. And we’re not seeing Canada do that.”

In a brutally candid interview on Canadian television in June, Canadian Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre said that underinvestment in defense means that “the military that we have right now is not ready to counter the threats that we see coming.” Asked about the lack of a plan to hit 2 percent, he added “I do not defend that, and nobody in uniform defends that.”

At the NATO Summit in Washington, it will be made clear that “2 percent is not the ceiling, it’s the floor,” for what countries are expected to contribute to their own defense budgets, the diplomat from the NATO country said. Countries such as the U.S., Poland, Norway and Estonia have already pushed past 3 percent, or have publicly shared plans to get there,

Since the Trump years, and especially since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, “there’s an expectation of sharing the burden and seriousness about defense that Canada is not meeting,” said an official from a NATO state that has pushed well beyond the 2 percent threshold.

“Allies who do not spend at least 2 percent of GDP on defense seriously undermine their own credibility and common deterrence posture,” an adviser to one NATO defense ministry observed, noting that the failure of a small and dwindling coterie of nations to even outline a path to get there has serious political consequences in the United States and beyond.

The failure to meet the standards set by Brussels “is used as a pretext to attack NATO and Europe by those members of the American foreign and security community who opt for either ‘China first’ strategy or belong to the isolationists camp,” the official said. “Such a policy fundamentally undermines trust towards those allies. If they don’t have sufficient determination today, I am not optimistic about their behavior if we had a direct war between Russia and NATO.”

On a visit to Washington in May, new Defense Minister Bill Blair pushed back on criticisms that Canada had no intention to join the 2 percent club.

“I’m hoping that when we return to Washington for the July summit that we’ll be able to reassure our allies that Canada understands its obligations,” he told reporters.”There’s more to do. We’re going to do more, we have to do more. … I want to be able to assure allies we’re doing the work now. We’ve got our heads down. We’re still going hard on this. We know there’s more to do.”

Canada does have a story to tell, and it’s not all bad news.

From 2016 to 2017, Ottawa’s defense budget more than doubled from US$13.5 billion to US$29 billion, led by purchases of 88 U.S.-made F-35 fighter jets, 16 Poseidon P-8A surveillance aircraft, and the early work on a huge project to build 15 frigates for the navy that will be built in Canada.

“Canada is committed to reaching the NATO target of spending 2% of GDP on defense,” Daniel Minden, spokesperson for Blair, said in a statement when asked for comment.

A new defense policy document outlines additional investments to get Canada to 1.7% of GDP by 2030, “meaning that we will have nearly tripled Canada’s defense spending since 2014. In fact, we will be increasing defense spending by 27 percent over the course of the next year alone,” Minden added.

“There remains more work to do,” he said. “Canada is determined to meet its commitments.”

Canada’s NORAD Modernization Plan, released in 2022, invests an additional US$38.6 billion over 20 years in the joint Canada/U.S. air and missile defense effort.

Canadian officials are also looking to invest in a new class of submarines to replace its aging — and rarely operational — Victoria-class submarines. Ottawa is considering both conventionally powered and nuclear-powered models built by a variety of international partners, but there are no firm plans in place to do so, making any potential spending on new submarines still years away.

Despite this, Canada is also failing on a second NATO metric. As part of the 2 percent pledge, nations also agreed to spend 20 percent of that on new equipment purchases. Canada and Belgium are the only countries that continue to fail to do so.

While Poland is pouring tens of billions into buying American and South Korean tanks, multiple rocket launchers and fighter planes, Germany is increasing production of armored vehicles and artillery shells, and small Baltic nations are using their minuscule budgets to design and build new drones and are pooling resources to purchase long range missiles systems and air defenses, Canada is still reluctant to spend.

Unlike other countries, Canada can’t complain about a flat economy or ballooning debt.

“Canada is always talking about how responsible it is because of the debt to GDP ratio,” Lagassé said. “So if you keep talking about how successful you are financially and fiscally, people go, ‘OK, well, then you have room to do more.’”



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Canadians will wake up when Russia starts sailing through Canadian Arctic Ocean waters and claims them as their own without firing a shot. Because there is no Canadian naval or air force presence there. And not a fucking thing Canada will be able to do about it.

Some Northwest passage will become one of the most important shipping routes in the not too distant future and Canada has taken no action to anticipate, nor defend it.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Ottawa overestimating defence spending, will only spend 1.42% of GDP on military by 2030: PBO
Jul 08, 2024

OTTAWA — On the eve of a major NATO summit, the federal budget watchdog says the government is overestimating defence spending and that Canada will be even further than expected from its 2 per cent military investment commitment by the end of the decade.

In a spending analysis quietly published Monday, Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) Yves Giroux threw cold water on the Liberal government’s latest military spending projections, saying that they overstate how much the department will realistically spend by the end of the decade.

In a statement, Defence Minister Bill Blair’s director of communications Daniel Minden said the government “strongly disagrees” with Giroux’s projections and remains “confident” in its projections

The new PBO estimates come on the eve of a major NATO summit in Washington, D.C., set to begin on Tuesday.

Whereas the government says that it will be spending $54.9 billion in NATO-eligible military expenditures by 2029-2030, the PBO estimates that number will more likely be $52.2 billion.

Giroux also found that the government is overshooting how much of its gross domestic product (GDP) it will be spending on NATO-eligible defence expenditures by 2029-2030.

While the government says it will reach 1.76 per cent by the end of the decade, the PBO estimated it would be 1.42 per cent after a gradual decline from a peak of 1.49 per cent in 2025-2026.

In 2014, Canada signed a commitment alongside its NATO allies that it would allocate the equivalent of two per cent of its gross domestic product to eligible military spending, including 20 per cent dedicated to purchasing new equipment.

Since then, it has never reached that target and is the only member country that hasn’t announced a timeline to do so.

In a foreign policy speech Monday, US House Speaker and Republican lawmaker Mike Johnson lambasted Canada for failing to meet its NATO commitments in what could be a preview of the discourse if Donald Trump is elected US president in the fall.

“Shamefully, Canada announced in the last few days … that they won’t be ponying up, they’re not going to do their two per cent. Why? Talk about riding on America’s coat tails,” Johnson said during a speech at Hudson Institute, a Conservative think tank.

“If you’re going to be a a member nation and participant (in NATO), you need to do your part.”

In a defence policy update released earlier this year, the Liberals promised to boost military spending considerably. The document estimates that the Canadian military spending-to-GPD ratio will be at 1.37 per cent in 2024-2025 and jump to 1.76 per cent by 2029-2030.

Blair has said that respecting the 2 per cent commitment has been a “challenge” but repeatedly promised in recent speeches and interviews that it will eventually happen.

In an interview, Giroux said the policy update’s projections are “optimistic” and don’t consider lapsed budgets, meaning money that the department expects to spend but doesn’t for any number of reasons.

He said that since 2017-2018, the Department of National Defence has on average allowed 33 per cent of its capital expenditures to lapse. In the “best” year, the department only lapsed 25 per cent of that budget.

So, the PBO’s projections include a 25 per cent gap between the department’s planned and actual annual capital expenditures. He said he chose the lower number to reflect the government’s commitment to improve its defence spending and speed up military procurement.

“Case in point: recently, it was announced that the surface combatants will experience further delays,” Giroux said.

“If the minister is saying that they will improve their capacity to effectively spend, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But if history is any indication, I’m not very optimistic,” he added.

In a statement, Minden said the government is “working hard” to close the spending gap and pointed to a commitment to invest nearly $2 billion to hire more civilian procurement specialists as well as an internal review of purchasing practices.

“A larger civilian workforce will increase our capacity to purchase new equipment, increase our stocks of ammunition, and accelerate digital transformation,” he wrote.

“They will also fill critical gaps in functions that are essential to carrying out our operations today and into the future, such as staffing, security screening, and information technology — allowing us to get more money out the door, faster.”

Minden also questioned why Giroux based his spending ratio calculation on the PBO’s internal GDP forecasts instead of those by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). That’s what NATO uses when calculating member country’s military investment ratios.

The OECD’s current GDP projections for Canada are lower than those of the PBO’s, which pushes up the military spending-to-GDP ratio.

Giroux responded that GPD projections by Canadian-based sources like his office, the Bank of Canada and the Department of Finance are generally more accurate and that he expects the OECD will eventually update its numbers and close that gap.

The OECD “consult with us, they consult with the bank, they consult with the Department of Finance. That’s why I’m saying I wouldn’t be surprised if the OECD revised its own Canadian outlook for GDP upwards in the not-too-distant future,” Giroux said.

Canada’s NATO allies are reportedly increasingly frustrated with the country’s lack of a clear timeline to hit the two per cent mark.

Monday, Politico quoted a half-dozen unnamed diplomats from NATO countries saying they are “fed up” with Canada’s lagging defence spending and that it will be top of mind during the summit this week.

In May, a bipartisan group of 23 U.S. senators including Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz and Joe Manchin wrote a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calling on him to up its military spending and respect its NATO commitments.

They said they were “concerned and profoundly disappointed” in the government’s current spending projections, which are higher still than the PBO’s.

“Canada will fail to meet its obligations to the Alliance, to the detriment of all NATO Allies and the free world, without immediate and meaningful action to increase defense spending,” reads the letter.



Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Ottawa overestimating defence spending, will only spend 1.42% of GDP on military by 2030: PBO
Jul 08, 2024

OTTAWA — On the eve of a major NATO summit, the federal budget watchdog says the government is overestimating defence spending and that Canada will be even further than expected from its 2 per cent military investment commitment by the end of the decade.

In a spending analysis quietly published Monday, Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) Yves Giroux threw cold water on the Liberal government’s latest military spending projections, saying that they overstate how much the department will realistically spend by the end of the decade.

In a statement, Defence Minister Bill Blair’s director of communications Daniel Minden said the government “strongly disagrees” with Giroux’s projections and remains “confident” in its projections

The new PBO estimates come on the eve of a major NATO summit in Washington, D.C., set to begin on Tuesday.

Whereas the government says that it will be spending $54.9 billion in NATO-eligible military expenditures by 2029-2030, the PBO estimates that number will more likely be $52.2 billion.

Giroux also found that the government is overshooting how much of its gross domestic product (GDP) it will be spending on NATO-eligible defence expenditures by 2029-2030.

While the government says it will reach 1.76 per cent by the end of the decade, the PBO estimated it would be 1.42 per cent after a gradual decline from a peak of 1.49 per cent in 2025-2026.

In 2014, Canada signed a commitment alongside its NATO allies that it would allocate the equivalent of two per cent of its gross domestic product to eligible military spending, including 20 per cent dedicated to purchasing new equipment.

Since then, it has never reached that target and is the only member country that hasn’t announced a timeline to do so.

In a foreign policy speech Monday, US House Speaker and Republican lawmaker Mike Johnson lambasted Canada for failing to meet its NATO commitments in what could be a preview of the discourse if Donald Trump is elected US president in the fall.

“Shamefully, Canada announced in the last few days … that they won’t be ponying up, they’re not going to do their two per cent. Why? Talk about riding on America’s coat tails,” Johnson said during a speech at Hudson Institute, a Conservative think tank.

“If you’re going to be a a member nation and participant (in NATO), you need to do your part.”

In a defence policy update released earlier this year, the Liberals promised to boost military spending considerably. The document estimates that the Canadian military spending-to-GPD ratio will be at 1.37 per cent in 2024-2025 and jump to 1.76 per cent by 2029-2030.

Blair has said that respecting the 2 per cent commitment has been a “challenge” but repeatedly promised in recent speeches and interviews that it will eventually happen.

In an interview, Giroux said the policy update’s projections are “optimistic” and don’t consider lapsed budgets, meaning money that the department expects to spend but doesn’t for any number of reasons.

He said that since 2017-2018, the Department of National Defence has on average allowed 33 per cent of its capital expenditures to lapse. In the “best” year, the department only lapsed 25 per cent of that budget.

So, the PBO’s projections include a 25 per cent gap between the department’s planned and actual annual capital expenditures. He said he chose the lower number to reflect the government’s commitment to improve its defence spending and speed up military procurement.

“Case in point: recently, it was announced that the surface combatants will experience further delays,” Giroux said.

“If the minister is saying that they will improve their capacity to effectively spend, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But if history is any indication, I’m not very optimistic,” he added.

In a statement, Minden said the government is “working hard” to close the spending gap and pointed to a commitment to invest nearly $2 billion to hire more civilian procurement specialists as well as an internal review of purchasing practices.

“A larger civilian workforce will increase our capacity to purchase new equipment, increase our stocks of ammunition, and accelerate digital transformation,” he wrote.

“They will also fill critical gaps in functions that are essential to carrying out our operations today and into the future, such as staffing, security screening, and information technology — allowing us to get more money out the door, faster.”

Minden also questioned why Giroux based his spending ratio calculation on the PBO’s internal GDP forecasts instead of those by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). That’s what NATO uses when calculating member country’s military investment ratios.

The OECD’s current GDP projections for Canada are lower than those of the PBO’s, which pushes up the military spending-to-GDP ratio.

Giroux responded that GPD projections by Canadian-based sources like his office, the Bank of Canada and the Department of Finance are generally more accurate and that he expects the OECD will eventually update its numbers and close that gap.

The OECD “consult with us, they consult with the bank, they consult with the Department of Finance. That’s why I’m saying I wouldn’t be surprised if the OECD revised its own Canadian outlook for GDP upwards in the not-too-distant future,” Giroux said.

Canada’s NATO allies are reportedly increasingly frustrated with the country’s lack of a clear timeline to hit the two per cent mark.

Monday, Politico quoted a half-dozen unnamed diplomats from NATO countries saying they are “fed up” with Canada’s lagging defence spending and that it will be top of mind during the summit this week.

In May, a bipartisan group of 23 U.S. senators including Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz and Joe Manchin wrote a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calling on him to up its military spending and respect its NATO commitments.

They said they were “concerned and profoundly disappointed” in the government’s current spending projections, which are higher still than the PBO’s.

“Canada will fail to meet its obligations to the Alliance, to the detriment of all NATO Allies and the free world, without immediate and meaningful action to increase defense spending,” reads the letter.

I'll trust the PBO before a liberal minister or the PM.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
"In a statement, Minden said the government is “working hard” to close the spending gap and pointed to a commitment to invest nearly $2 billion to hire more civilian procurement specialists as well as an internal review of purchasing practices.

“A larger civilian workforce will increase our capacity to purchase new equipment, increase our stocks of ammunition, and accelerate digital transformation,” he wrote.

“They will also fill critical gaps in functions that are essential to carrying out our operations today and into the future, such as staffing, security screening, and information technology — allowing us to get more money out the door, faster.”"
Typical CANADIAN civil service and govenrment.

Increasing spending on civil servants to be able to increase spending!

How about buying a couple off the shelf frigates proven in another Northern Atlantic country. Or a hundred low capital and operational cost Gripens to base at northern Canadian airports and to conduct routine patrols and escorting tankers and transports and save the F35's for actual combat deployments?

How about buying more transport or maritime helicopters that can be used for firefighting as required and to keep crew current and in practice?

How about buying some off-the-shelf heavy lift transport aircraft to be of assistance to our allies when we are too afraid to put "boots on the ground"?

I have a cousin who was in the Cdn Navy. Combat systems engineer. Spent almost his whole career working on the procurement documents of the Protecteur (?) class frigates and only saw a couple delivered before he retired. He said the whole rocurement process of the CDN military is an incompetent cluster fuck.

Seems Bill Blair can't run an army any better than a police force.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I would suggest there is far more concern about Hungary and it’s viability as a NATO member given its slide into autocracy and Orban’s close ties to Putin (sorta lile the US under Trump).


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I would suggest there is far more concern about Hungary and it’s viability as a NATO member given its slide into autocracy and Orban’s close ties to Putin (sorta lile the US under Trump).
Canada is a freeloader, Hungary sucks Putin’s dick and turkey is fucked in the head in their own way…
Toronto Escorts