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Nancy Grace


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Did anyone catch that story about Nancy Grace on the front page of the National Post today?

Apparently, a woman whose child is missing got grilled by Nancy in an interview. The next day -- a few hours before the setment was set to air -- the woman commited suicide.

Not too bothered by any of this, CNN went ahead and aired the segment anyway.

Nancy Grace was asked about the suicide, and said the woman is probably responsible for the child's disappearance and was feeling guilty. I'm not sure Nancy has much evidence to back up this suspicion.


In the early days when Nancy Grace would fill in for Larry King, her schtick was somewhat amusing. In some ways, she was a refreshing change from the usual roster of bleeding hearts on CNN.

But those days have long since passed. Nancy Grace is an embarrassment and her show should be spiked.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I didnt see/hear about this story, but its pretty sad. I catch nancy grace here and there at times.
I do have to admit, lot of times she seems to think she has all the answers and knows exactly what went down. Those are just her opinions and although everyone is entitled to their opinions, she seems to be 1 of those ppl who wont take others opinions. At times when others give their views etc, she just gets so heated like they dont know what shes talking about. I wouldnt be sad to see her show get canned.

Thats really bad what she did, even after the lady died she still had to keep rubbing it in. if she knows so much she should just be a psychic

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Headline news has become like tabloid TV.

Complete schlock. Like that pudgey blonde haired goof who is always mouthing off about his "conservative" beliefs.

Nancy Grace, ugh, what a piece of work she is. Can't stand her, can't stand her voice, can't stand her judgemental shit.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Can you imagine being married to her? I can just see it.

"I saw your car parked in the vicinity of SRM on Thursday afternoon. Damn it were you in there or not?"


New member
Apr 29, 2002
This might cost her, her career. Which hopefully will end.
She's fucking annoying. She really was drilling that woman about her child, like she was the morality police.
Hope she feels like shit for it and someone should drill her now for this shit. Maybe she'll do the same thing and kill herself?


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
The Golden rule of TV. If you watch it they will air it


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Can't stand that bitch with her self righteous Know-It-All attitude.....

She's about as credible as Geraldo.....

Shouldn't she be on Fox!?!?:mad:


Active member
Oct 16, 2002
james t kirk said:
Headline news has become like tabloid TV.

Complete schlock. Like that pudgey blonde haired goof who is always mouthing off about his "conservative" beliefs.

Nancy Grace, ugh, what a piece of work she is. Can't stand her, can't stand her voice, can't stand her judgemental shit.
Both of them turned me off Headline News.


Senior Member
Alexa Taylor said:
I saw that segment about the disappearance of that little boy and the moment Nancy Grace grilled her as if she was on the stand. The mother may have kept quiet because her attorney told her to ( if she had legal representation at all). I also don't think she should have been on Nancy Grace's show. Let the investigators handle all the questions.

Who knows why the mother committed suicide, perhaps out of grief? You cannot really predict anyone's reaction when something tragic like this happens. I was rather perterbed by Miss Grace insinuatiing that she may be responsible for the disappearance of her son. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

As for her being someone's wife... apparently her fiancee was murdered which may be why she has such strong opinions on various cases. After all, she was a prosecutor. Nancy Grace does have a voice yet sometimes she takes things too far with accusations with only circumstantial evidence to go on.

On another note, I am hoping they find that woman who slashed a new mother's throat and abducted her infant.

He had himself murdered just to get away from her.

Smart guy

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
I also remember her act when that "runaway bride" headcase was on the loose. She all but convicted the poor sucker that was going to marry her, and then when the truth came out, instead of apologizing to the guy, her stance was "she fooled me"

She sucks. The next time I see her show will be too soon. Even if I flick by, it will be too much.


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
from the first moment I saw Nancy Grace I hated the whiny bitch! everyone was guilty untill proven otherwise in her opinion
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