My Pet Peeve with Pickering Angels


New member
Apr 15, 2004
After having a great session with Crystal before she went on vacation I was eager to repeat the experience.
My schedule allows only for daytime visits and because I am really busy at work I have to plan in advance for an escape.
Crystal told me she normally works during the day on Monday and so I start to check the Schedule online on Sunday only to come to the realization that it is generally not updated until Monday night or Tuesday morning.
To me if you are going to the trouble of posting a schedule online then at least make sure it is updated prior to two days into the new schedule.
Apart from that I love the place. Almost as good as BChain and much nicer facilities.
As the schedule is up and I see that Crystal does not have a daytime shift all week I think I will go and see Juliet and see if everything I have read is true.
Happy Hobbying


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
I hear you sucks when you have to plan ahead and you can't trust their site for the schedule. Plus, I find that it changes frequently and they don't update the site...


Playing The Field
Aug 24, 2004
- There's been no response to this from Pickering Angels. I wonder if they have read this, or care about the situation ?


Registered Pooner
Mar 2, 2004
area code four one sex
ray-moan said:
- There's been no response to this from Pickering Angels. I wonder if they have read this, or care about the situation ?
I doubt they read this forum a lot
and anyway, they get pretty busy anyway so it's probably not a big issue
and I'm sure they don't do it intentionally, I think it's probably the girls who are always switching shifts and cancelling, etc...
the girls I do prefer to see there always work the same days though, so it's not a huge issue with me

Lover Of Brunettes

Juliet Worshiper Forever
Jun 25, 2005
Well, Juliet won't steer you wrong. That's for sure. I spoke to her this week and she's working all-mornings from now on. No evening shifts. So you're set.

As for the schedule, I have complained about this in the past too. My specific request was if it was possible for them to a two-week schedule like some of the MP's in Toronto do. The response was a resounding belly-laugh. According to the management - and with the support of every other visible indication - they have a heluva time getting the schedule onto the website when they do.

In fact, I was recently in on a Sunday and asked Lisa (the receptionist) if she had the schedule for the upcoming week, and on SUNDAY they only knew who was coming in on Monday - the next day. In fact the day I was there, there was one girl who wasn't feeling well who didn't want to come in for her shift, and there was another one who wasn't scheduled - she was just used to working Sundays - who was calling on her cell phone to apologize for being stuck in traffic. The solution in this case was obvious but it demonstrates my point that MPA's and neurosurgeons do not hold the same degree of standards when it comes to scheduling. You just gotta go with the flow.

With all due respect (and I mean that sincerely) I think the key to the "problem" is taking a step back and seeing the whole picture. In the business they work in, if a girl is late, or has to switch shifts, or is unreachable when they're trying to do the schedule, the bottom line is that it's not the end of the world. They are smart. Most of them have an EXTREMELY loyal (and FORGIVING!) clientele who would keep giving them business even if their face appeared on America's Most Wanted.

The phone number is on the website. I know that's scary. Trust me. I feel your pain. It took me a YEAR to work up the courage to call them instead of just doing walk-ins. Yes, they have call display. I know they do. That's for their own security as much as anything. But I have NEVER gotten a call at home from them. EVER. Even in a situation where I booked, hung up, and they realized after the hangup that they'd made a mistake and double-booked. The management is very savvy and discreet and they have trained their desk staff to be the same. They are the best in the area for a reason, and that's because they have an established clientele that keeps coming back because of the way they are treated. The web schedule is fallable. It was a document made by human beings ABOUT human beings and in the MP industry to boot.

It's a helpful tool and it's often right. But the best strategy is ALWAYS to call and make sure.

The other two or three places in Pickering don't even have a website for crying out loud. :D


New member
Apr 15, 2004
Monday 3.35pm and no schedule up on the site so I phoned over and nobody knows who is working because---
"No Schedule Posted Yet"
"Why don't you look on the website to find out when Crystal is working".
Its amazing anybody showed up to work today !
I think these guys need a reality check.
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