Toronto Escorts

My next tour won't be until July or August!!


New member
Hi Guys, as you all know I love coming to ottawa to see all my favorite O-town guys! I will be in town tommorow, thursday and Friday. I do have a few openings left. Now back to the reason for this thread. I'll be leaving the first week of june to do a cross country tour. i'll be hitting all the major cities..Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon. Edmonton, Calgary and last but certainly not home town...Vancouver. I will be on the road for 4 -6 weeks, which means definitly no June ottawa tour, and most likely no july ottawa tour. I promise to return in august though. I have always wanted to tour Canada, i'll be escorting and dancing...Can't wait to hit Stampede..what a party it is! so I thought I'd let you all know that I won't be around for a few months! I may try and hit Ottawa again at the end of May, but no garuntees.

so if anybody has any ideas as to where should advertise my tour, please let me know. Obviously it will be on EC.

I'll post my remaining times for this week toight! See you soon!


New member
Here are my last appointments for this week

Thursday- 5:30pm-6:30pm
Friday- 2:30pm-3:30pm

These are the very last opening's for this tour...I'd love to see you all be fore I'm away for two months. So expect my next Ottawa tour to be late July earlt August...I', really gonna miss you guys, but I will have ny laptop, so I'll kep in touch..


New member
just a heads up to any of my tour appointments for Friday, If you have not recieved my hotel info I'll send it off tommorow...I'm way too tired to do it tonight! See you soon....
Toronto Escorts