Talking to my neighour today and he seemed unlike himself, sad, like he cried a lot, etc. Ask him what's going on (we're close) and he told me about his family friend who died in Virginia in a plane crash.
PilotsNpaws this is their page and in partcular, Seuk's children and family receiving Lisa's ashes, the dog in the picture next to Seuk.
If you have facebook, maybe thumbs up the link above or make a comment, my soul got crushed seeing the family members there, the young ones in utter disbelief and shock, even more so when when they got the ashes of Lisa.
if any of you could just leave a simple comment or just "light a candle" it would be appreciated.
The Obitiuary page,

Family of Pilot Who Died During Animal Rescue Flight Receives Ashes of Dog Killed in the Crash
The family of an animal rescue pilot who was killed on Nov. 24, in upstate New York, while transporting three shelter dogs received the ashes of Lisa, a dog who also died in the incident.
PilotsNpaws this is their page and in partcular, Seuk's children and family receiving Lisa's ashes, the dog in the picture next to Seuk.
If you have facebook, maybe thumbs up the link above or make a comment, my soul got crushed seeing the family members there, the young ones in utter disbelief and shock, even more so when when they got the ashes of Lisa.
if any of you could just leave a simple comment or just "light a candle" it would be appreciated.
The Obitiuary page,