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My Journey back to Full"fucking" Status


Well-known member
Well Folks Its been a long 2-1/2 years since I was Diagnosed with the big"C" for the 3rd time. I kicked its ass...AGAIN, but this time it took its toll on me..I developed a severe case if ED
Actually it was more of NO Function than Disfunction. I waited almost 2 years to see if my soldier would come around but alas it seemed like he was done.
On a lark I decided after hearing about these regenerative techniques to restore function I went to FullMast..10 treatments $3000 later I was starting to feel like something was stirring in my groin.

So began my journey back
1st step...some BNG specialists the 1 I chose was Mandy/Lyndsey and maybe a few other names out in Courtice at the Motel on HWY 2 (

Made arrangements for a quick BNG...I figure I'll start with a BJ and progress
I show up she says drop 'em and she went to town on me with reckless abandon...a little FF and I blew even though I wasnt full erect...( so Ok atleast I know hes got SOME life in him)
2nd visit ...Went back a second time and ask for FS...she said its your I said assume the position..she drops her pants and says ..Pound I did 3/4 erect..lasted maybe 10 minutes tops...
Visited 4 more times in 3 weeks
Step 2
Always wanted to try a massage parlor and see just what extras were offered found 1 close to me and went
1st visit...1hr..great massage and a 1 handed happy ending with a promise of more next I held her to it
2nd visit,,,same hr...same massage but this time CBJ to I have read about getting the full treatment at some so I threw out the question and how much..oh no not this week TOFM you come back next week ok?
3rd visit she was true to her word...
through several subsequent visits I've seen a total of 6 ladies there 3 of which have gone I'm batting .500 so far
Sidenote: just in case you guys are wondering I threw out a large # to entice them and 3 went for it but it wasnt the 60-100 you guys have been spending at kittys or whats her name up in the Northend....sorry but I kinda set the bar pretty high.

Step #3
start seeing my usuals and see if I'm still worthy of their time..LOL
so in no particular order my encounters have been

Amy..she should just change her name to AMAZING and be done with it(!&p=6505534#post6505534)

Eveline Desire...she used me as her fuck toy and I liked it...she told me to just lay there til she was done with me....and after multiple "Os" as was evident by my soaked nether regions she hopped off and said ...very sheepishly OK..I'm done..and giggled(

Jessica Rain..X2...1st visit was a crash and burn on my part I think I just over though it and popped during a very good BBBJ...and that was it
2nd visit was more me...pounded away in various positions...and then she saddled up for a raucous CG ride and while my Stamina wasnt at full throttle yet I still got Jessica to TAP cus she rolled off me and between heavy breaths said gimme a minute ..LOL the finish was BBBJCIMSW(

Chantel...this one was just intriguing I like tall and busty..set up a visit
yes she is tall and was used to taking control..which I am not a big fan of but what the hell...I'm on the road to recovery..LOL
she tells me get undressed and lay down im gonna use you as my play toy....her ad says No penetration without protection so it was licking the shaft and I could kiss her kitty...well not my most favorite thing cus I'm a "suck that button and make her squirm" kinda guy but I respected her boundaries...BUT DAMN I wanted that button REAL BAD...
On goes the cover and it was Mish for a good 20-30 minutes ...she is very flexible for a big lady...she had her feet well behind her head for the majority of the time and she can take a pounding
She offers tours to Greece which kinda makes me wanna see her again just for that experience(

Hailey4U...Milf extraordinaire (!-❤-Tails-YOU-Win!)
Tanned and an amazing kisser....we stood in the doorway to the bedroom and neither of us wanted to unlock our lips ...but we did and what ensued was everything I remember about her, passion personified

And Finally


Oh my sexy Jaguar..the most amazing body I've ever encountered...rock hard abs...taut bum with NO jiggle what so ever, sexy accent ...kisses divinely and has the most AMAZING control of her kitty I have ever felt in my life...when your inside...she can use her skill to push you out suck you back in or clamp on to your member and not let you move..the more excited she get the more her kitty has to be experienced to be believed
She has quite the repertoire of jokes that she comes out with from time to time which makes me laugh so hard sometimes I gotta stop what I'm doing...LOL

So in closing I think my journey back to the FUCKSIDE is now complete( say it in you best Darth Vader voice and it doesnt sound so lame...LMAO)

Look out ladies....I'm back and with a war chest full of cash

Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2014
Great read Thumper. and congrats on beating the big C for the 3rd time.. and the big salami comeback is a bonus for you. Great news


Sep 20, 2010
Congrats thumper

Try fasting - it might naturally get your hormones into balance. I would try doing 3 days fasts as often as possible. If you did back to back 3 days fasts, i believe you will see big improvements in as little as 1 month.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Welcome back buddy and back with avengance I must say. Congrats on ass kicking #3. Tough sledding I know. Cheers...Proud of you and happy you're back


Sep 3, 2013
Nice to see you are back. I missed your eloquent story telling style of so many years ago. Looking forward to more interesting scenes from the life of the thumper of old. Although I've settled in with an unbelievable regular lady for myself, it's nice to see some of the old regulars playing the field, as they've always done, in the days of Sweetheather and you know who...your favorite. :wink:


Active member
Oct 6, 2005
Durham area
Well Folks Its been a long 2-1/2 years since I was Diagnosed with the big"C" for the 3rd time. I kicked its ass...AGAIN, but this time it took its toll on me..I developed a severe case if ED
Actually it was more of NO Function than Disfunction. I waited almost 2 years to see if my soldier would come around but alas it seemed like he was done.
On a lark I decided after hearing about these regenerative techniques to restore function I went to FullMast..10 treatments $3000 later I was starting to feel like something was stirring in my groin.

So began my journey back
1st step...some BNG specialists the 1 I chose was Mandy/Lyndsey and maybe a few other names out in Courtice at the Motel on HWY 2 (

Made arrangements for a quick BNG...I figure I'll start with a BJ and progress
I show up she says drop 'em and she went to town on me with reckless abandon...a little FF and I blew even though I wasnt full erect...( so Ok atleast I know hes got SOME life in him)
2nd visit ...Went back a second time and ask for FS...she said its your I said assume the position..she drops her pants and says ..Pound I did 3/4 erect..lasted maybe 10 minutes tops...
Visited 4 more times in 3 weeks
Step 2
Always wanted to try a massage parlor and see just what extras were offered found 1 close to me and went
1st visit...1hr..great massage and a 1 handed happy ending with a promise of more next I held her to it
2nd visit,,,same hr...same massage but this time CBJ to I have read about getting the full treatment at some so I threw out the question and how much..oh no not this week TOFM you come back next week ok?
3rd visit she was true to her word...
through several subsequent visits I've seen a total of 6 ladies there 3 of which have gone I'm batting .500 so far
Sidenote: just in case you guys are wondering I threw out a large # to entice them and 3 went for it but it wasnt the 60-100 you guys have been spending at kittys or whats her name up in the Northend....sorry but I kinda set the bar pretty high.

Step #3
start seeing my usuals and see if I'm still worthy of their time..LOL
so in no particular order my encounters have been

Amy..she should just change her name to AMAZING and be done with it(!&p=6505534#post6505534)

Eveline Desire...she used me as her fuck toy and I liked it...she told me to just lay there til she was done with me....and after multiple "Os" as was evident by my soaked nether regions she hopped off and said ...very sheepishly OK..I'm done..and giggled(

Jessica Rain..X2...1st visit was a crash and burn on my part I think I just over though it and popped during a very good BBBJ...and that was it
2nd visit was more me...pounded away in various positions...and then she saddled up for a raucous CG ride and while my Stamina wasnt at full throttle yet I still got Jessica to TAP cus she rolled off me and between heavy breaths said gimme a minute ..LOL the finish was BBBJCIMSW(

Chantel...this one was just intriguing I like tall and busty..set up a visit
yes she is tall and was used to taking control..which I am not a big fan of but what the hell...I'm on the road to recovery..LOL
she tells me get undressed and lay down im gonna use you as my play toy....her ad says No penetration without protection so it was licking the shaft and I could kiss her kitty...well not my most favorite thing cus I'm a "suck that button and make her squirm" kinda guy but I respected her boundaries...BUT DAMN I wanted that button REAL BAD...
On goes the cover and it was Mish for a good 20-30 minutes ...she is very flexible for a big lady...she had her feet well behind her head for the majority of the time and she can take a pounding
She offers tours to Greece which kinda makes me wanna see her again just for that experience(

Hailey4U...Milf extraordinaire (!-❤-Tails-YOU-Win!)
Tanned and an amazing kisser....we stood in the doorway to the bedroom and neither of us wanted to unlock our lips ...but we did and what ensued was everything I remember about her, passion personified

And Finally


Oh my sexy Jaguar..the most amazing body I've ever encountered...rock hard abs...taut bum with NO jiggle what so ever, sexy accent ...kisses divinely and has the most AMAZING control of her kitty I have ever felt in my life...when your inside...she can use her skill to push you out suck you back in or clamp on to your member and not let you move..the more excited she get the more her kitty has to be experienced to be believed
She has quite the repertoire of jokes that she comes out with from time to time which makes me laugh so hard sometimes I gotta stop what I'm doing...LOL

So in closing I think my journey back to the FUCKSIDE is now complete( say it in you best Darth Vader voice and it doesnt sound so lame...LMAO)

Look out ladies....I'm back and with a war chest full of cash

So where is the massage place?


Sep 10, 2019
Wonderful news, Thumper! Congrats on the great victory! 3x winner is not for everyone! :)

And thanks for the reviews, man. I think I am gonna try Xina now...


On a Mission from God
Sep 15, 2017
I'm very glad to hear of your progress Thumper! All the best on your full return to action!


Active member
Sep 19, 2005
Welcome back! Congratulations for beating round #3! And in the paraphrased words of John McLean.... welcome back to the party pal! Thanks for the intel


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
WOW! What a comeback! Great to hear you're back in form and enjoying life. And I'm sure the ladies appreciate it too.


May 1, 2007
'Full Status Regained'! Inspirational! Congratulations .... and thank you for sharing!
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