Seduction Spa

my first time!


Hard member
May 15, 2003
Well, i assume this is some rite of passage. I seem to have been "banned" from the *** 2000 (the "not the real" TERB) board. Not that i was notified or anything, but i would guess an inability to search, post and having all one's posts removed as a pretty good indicator.
It goes something like this....
A guy was asking for SP's to do BBFS. I called hime a "prick" (personal reasons against the whole BBFS thing). My post wa sremoved and I was told not to use the board to insult people. Fair enough, it was probably a bit terse on my part.
However, in checking out the board, i did see another post (there really aren't that many to begin with) where an SP was referred to a "a lousy cunt". I pointed out to the moderator that allowing this one to stand was an oversight.
A subsequent post by some junior claimed that the reference to this SP was simply a "comment" since it referred to her anatomy. I replied that calling him an "*******" was probably okay, since it simply referred to HIS anatomy.
Bingo! I'm gone....
I don't consider it a blemish on my day, but an interesting comment on censorship, or more likely, a power trip.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Regarding censorship and the like, say what you will, but one thing I am proud of TERB for is that we are generally fair in our moderation (at least we try to be, pobody's nerfect). As well, we try to have distinct lines drawn in a general straight line which defines what is allowable, and what isn't. MBB does this as well.

I agree that we are more restrictive than most other boards, but the info we allow is far more than what we don't, ie. we allow probably 99.9% of posts to stand without moderation. It's the 0.1% that are over that neat line we've attempted to draw in the sand.

As well, if I have a problem with a post/poster I will attempt to at the very least let him/her know why their post was, for lack of a better term, "censored". Actually, censoring isn't the appropriate term, IMO. More of a "pruned" or "curbed" sort of way.

*Other* review boards' moderation seem to go by the whims and moods of the powers that be, with their respective agendas.

As for catering to Advertiser's wishes, the only time that I, personally, care if a poster is an advertiser or not is when actual posts that could be perceived as advertisements are placed on the board. I have deleted posts from and banned SP's and hobbyists alike.

My 2 cents on the matter.


Hard member
May 15, 2003
given your experience and over 2000 posts i'd say your 2 cents counts for something.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
By in large I dislike censorship. Its very nature denies people their “right to know.” With any freedom of speech comes great responsibility. The responsibility to choose your words wisely and correctly so as not to do harm to others but still get your point across. The two must be balanced for fair and accurate information to be passed along. What I have witnessed on other boards is the complete absence of responsibility. People post whatever they want under the banner of “freedom of speech” to protect themselves. The accuracy of the post is questionable and secondary compared to your right to post it. This is wrong and an abuse of your right to post information.

I have always been able to obtain the information that I wanted from TERB. At times, I did believe that the editing of posts was a little heavy handed. But I also understand the reasoning behind it. I have no problems with what the mods have done and continue to do on this board. In my opinion it has been fair and balanced.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Congrats StinkyPete.
That board is full of b.s. anyways.


New member
Aug 17, 2001
Wishing it was Toronto
stinkypete said:
Well, i assume this is some rite of passage. I seem to have been "banned" from the *** 2000 (the "not the real" TERB) board. Not that i was notified or anything, but i would guess an inability to search, post and having all one's posts removed as a pretty good indicator.
That was a great comeback you posted. I happened to see it before it was removed.

I was pitched from there, two versions of the same board ago, in a discussion about faked reviews. One guy was thumping his chest saying that there were no fake reviews there.

I merely asked him, if he truly believed that, to give my best to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny the next time he saw them. BANG! I was gone.....and here I thought I was pretty funny.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
Goober are you in power again deep sigh*
wish you would use that power for good instead of evil..or better still to control me in ways we could better discuss in private giggle
anyways welcome... no one likes a potty mouth. however, when its just, it's just!!!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts