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My birthday week, is 47 the new 29?

So, this year I made myself a little extra cash to treat myself a little this year. At first my plan was to maybe visit one person, but that gradually that turned into visiting up to 5 different people. Running the gauntlet if you want to say, or treating it as a wrestling card so to say, only I got to participate in each event.

It all started with the day before my birthday, October 14th. I decided on my way home from dropping the kids off from my party/thanksgiving with them, I'd visit one of my favorites for the first visit of the week. Before I left, I contacted Nevaeh and she said that she was available. I set up my time for 10pm and all was set. We verified everything as I was leaving to head towards her, and she told me where she was. As I was getting closer, I decided to google where the hotel was with the address, and I couldn't find it. So after not finding it, I asked if she was still in Peterborough, lol, and my suspicions turned up correct and she was actually in Kitchener that week. My bad for not checking the ads first, lol, so we both laughed and well, another time it will have to be for that. So, the first day before my birthday, well, I decided I would just have to start things on my birthday instead.

So, along comes my birthday, October 15th, and I decided to start off the day, I'd like to visit someone that I have never visited before. Low and behold, I find out an SP that I have always wanted to visit in the Mississauga area, was actually visiting Durham. Big surprise for me, talking about perfect timing. So I arranged to meet her on my lunch break. I sent her a text, told her I wanted to visit her for my birthday, and immediately got a HAPPY BIRTHDAY text back. Booking her was very easy, oh, and yes, almost forgot, it was Bianca Davenport....

She has had some mixed reviews on here, but I went with my gut on this one upon my first contacts with her. She was honest with how busy she was that day, so when she tried to squeeze me in for a certain time, I asked if 30 minutes later would be better, so she had a bit of extra time if needed. She agreed and when I arrived, I texted her, she was running a bit late still, but totally honest and let me know she needed a little more time to get ready, which I appreciated over just being left waiting. Upon entering the room I got a nice big kiss, you know, the kind of kiss you can just feel from head to toe. She is a very friendly girl with some good oral skills. She doesn't enjoy oral on herself as much being a little to sensitive and a little restrictive on the positioning, but still very eager to please. On the fetish part of things there is an upsell, but once again appreciated her honesty about everything. Will probably repeat upon seeing her in the area again.

The next day, October 16th, I decided to go out again during my lunch and pay another first visit, and decided I would pay Skyra a visit for the first time...

I had noticed her reviews getting better and better and was always curious about visiting her. I wish I would have had that chance before she changed her services a bit now, but was happy to go meet her in the car and have my first visit with her. Meeting her was very easy, when we met up we went to a private place and got to know each other a bit on the drive. Then I found out how true her reviews truly are as she teased me with her tongue ring until I could take no more and it was time to drive back. Once again a very nice girl, easy to talk to, and very good oral skills.

When I was getting ready to see Skyra that day, upon going through BP, I happened to also notice Jemma, one of my favorites, was in town as well. I was in that position of :frusty: dangit, I already booked Skyra, but I don't want to cancel on Skyra after already telling her a couple of hours before I'd like to see her. So, I thought, what the heck, I'll just see Jemma tonight. Now if there is any test if 47 is the new 29, seeing Jemma would be an awesome way to find out. So I figured, instead of seeing one of my favorite SP's to finish things off, I'll see Jemma tonight, and the other tomorrow.

So, I call Jemma and we set up a time, booking was easy as usual. I come up to visit her and she looks just as radiant and as tall as always with that beautiful innocent know that innocent smile with that look in her eye that she is ready to take care of you, lol. We start off on the bed with some lfk which quickly turned into a very hot 69. Proceeded with some different positions and then back to her and her bbbj skills. Let's just say I was drained after and she still had that big innocent smile afterwards, lol, ok, maybe not so innocent. We talked for a bit then said our goodbyes. One of the things I love about visiting Jemma, is every time is different, as it was with my next visit, my last visit of the week, and definitely not the least....

Oct 17th....

None other than Amy :)

As I said, with Amy, every visit is a different and new experience.

Upon getting to the door, she let me in and immediately wished me a happy birthday. Asked if I could use the shower, hopped in for a nice hot shower and upon leaving the shower, there she was.....and she made me feel good, because for my birthday, she was wearing her birthday suit :) All those curves, I love her body, so I immediately hopped on the bed and started on of the most intense visits with her or anyone that I've ever had. After some dfk, I decided to put my tongue to other use, and proceeded to kiss her from head to toe, tracing every curve of her body, listening for every moan. Then after working my way up from her toes to her thighs, I went for the object of my desire and proceeded to pleasure her with my tongue. I always tell her, I could stay down there all night, which for me, my love for tasting a woman is no lie at all. After that we proceeded with some more dfk, where then Amy decided she was going to trace my body as well, she got as far as she could, but she knew what she wanted, and I had no doubt afterwards that she wanted it. She is so, I can't even say good, great, or excellent, because there is no word I can think of to describe her skills, other than maybe mind blowing. Eventually we ended up in a 69 and continued. The thing about us, she loves bbbj, and love going down on a woman as well, and both enjoy it from each other, so back and forth we went. Eventually we were both drained of energy and we relaxed afterwards. We always enjoy each others company and talked for a while, then off I went, walking with whatever energy I could put into my legs again.

I'd like to thank each of these girls for a very memorable birthday week. It was not as much planned, but let's start and see where it goes week. I just knew how I was ending it, and whatever happened in between was very enjoyable. At 47, I'm still going strong, maybe not quite like the age of 29, but thoroughly enjoying myself still at 47.


Active member
Very good reviews. Good on ya for the week!! Lots of news girls since I've been around. I find I'm still going strong as well. Seems that I should probably do more stretching though beforehand. LOL.
Very good reviews. Good on ya for the week!! Lots of news girls since I've been around. I find I'm still going strong as well. Seems that I should probably do more stretching though beforehand. LOL.
Thanks Wooly, I had a lot of fun :)
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