Muslim Invasion - An Allegory


New member
Sep 28, 2015
I find this an excellent allegory for what is happening in the EU and potentially in Canada as well. BTW if you don't know what allegory means please don't bother with the link. It is a great short story on its own nonetheless. I felt like posting this after Captain's/Skyrider's/Others' great posts in recent threads. The sanctimonious "progressives" are just as worrisome as us "peons" who cannot see this Islamic threat for what it is. I highly doubt Hollande is rubbing noses and trading Hollywood kisses with his Ministers today while preaching the "sunny side" of life in his country. Why? Because they are under attack and these animals have murdered his citizens in cold blood under his watch.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I find this an excellent allegory for what is happening in the EU and potentially in Canada as well. BTW if you don't know what allegory means please don't bother with the link. It is a great short story on its own nonetheless. I felt like posting this after Captain's/Skyrider's/Others' great posts in recent threads. The sanctimonious "progressives" are just as worrisome as us "peons" who cannot see this Islamic threat for what it is. I highly doubt Hollande is rubbing noses and trading Hollywood kisses with his Ministers today while preaching the "sunny side" of life in his country. Why? Because they are under attack and these animals have murdered his citizens in cold blood under his watch.
Thanks for this old relic from my Grade 8 days. It's an allegory of nothing, but it does illustrate that life is always difficult and requires resolve and intelligence.

But any analogy with the current events you mention, would have to note that the insects still outnumber the humans, who would be far better advised to learn about the natural world that they've chosen to live in and how to to use their brain-power to co-exist with its other inhabitants. They're not going to live behind a moat of eternal flame, or exterminate all the ants.

It's utter hubris to imagine Leningen won. He only barely managed a Time Out. But stories are much more fun than real life aren't they.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
Hey Oldie, I should have guessed you would be one of the few to revisit that old gem. For me it is indeed analogous to the Muslim invasion of the West and also the tactics that they use, including our own hubris in not recognizing the dangers that we will face going forward. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hard-core about any of this however it is the single-minded voraciousness of these fanatics that resonates with the tale. And yes the insects do/will in fact outnumber the humans, both in the story and soon in the West.
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