Multiple IPs at the Same Time?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Just wondering if it's technically possible to have multiple IPs working off the same computer at the same time?

For example, having multiple windows open with each operating under a different IP?

I'd imagine you'd need to be a tech whiz and utilize some sort of "splitter" if it's possible at all.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
It is a standard feature on many Linux, BSD and Unix boxes. Microsoft Windows supports it via the Advanced button on the IP settings tab.

Not many windows applications support the feature, and you need to be a bit of a networking wizard to set up the TCP/IP routing options in a useful manner.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Keebler Elf said:
For example, having multiple windows open with each operating under a different IP?
It's easy enough for a machine to have multiple IP addresses.

But applications are generally designed that when they initiate communications, they "pick up" whatever the "default" or main IP address is for the machine. And, generally, an application will be set up to "listen" for incoming traffic on port numbers they've registered for, independent of IP address.

That is, additional IP addresses serve as aliases rather than separate identities for that computer.

What sort of arrangement do you have in mind to have multiple instances of the same application on the same machine associated with different IP addresses?


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
If you can eloborate what you are trying to accomplish specifically there may be an easy way to do this.

ie. What application will be running in each window, perhaps an internet download or torrent etc...


New member
Nov 12, 2004
There are several ways to set up multiple IP addresses on a computer:

1. To have multiple network interface cards (NICs) on your computer and to assign a different IP address to each card.

2. To assign multiple IP addresses to a single NIC.

3. To combine 2 previous options: have multiple NICs with multiple IPs assigned to one or more of them.

By default, each network interface card (NIC) has its own unique IP address. However, you can assign multiple IP addresses to a single NIC.

For Windows 2000 follow the steps below. The process in other versions of Windows is similar.

1. Right-click on My Network Places, choose Properties.
2. Right-click on the Local Area Connection, choose Properties.
3. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties.
4. If you use DHCP, you should disable it: click Use the following IP address and enter IP address, Subnet mask and Default gateway.
5. Click Advanced... at the bottom.
6. Enter additional IP addresses: click the Add... button and enter a new IP address and Subnet mask.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
juanbrujo said:
There are several ways to set up multiple IP addresses on a computer:

1. To have multiple network interface cards (NICs) on your computer and to assign a different IP address to each card.

2. To assign multiple IP addresses to a single NIC.

3. To combine 2 previous options: have multiple NICs with multiple IPs assigned to one or more of them.

By default, each network interface card (NIC) has its own unique IP address. However, you can assign multiple IP addresses to a single NIC.

For Windows 2000 follow the steps below. The process in other versions of Windows is similar.

1. Right-click on My Network Places, choose Properties.
2. Right-click on the Local Area Connection, choose Properties.
3. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties.
4. If you use DHCP, you should disable it: click Use the following IP address and enter IP address, Subnet mask and Default gateway.
5. Click Advanced... at the bottom.
6. Enter additional IP addresses: click the Add... button and enter a new IP address and Subnet mask.
well, getting multiple ip addr is the easy part. Sounds like what the op is asking if he can have an application bound to each on demand, perhaps to utilize multple ISPs bandwidth or maybe to access a service that is only available on one ISP and not the other. This is possible but need more details about which apps cuz they all have their own way of specifing which interface to use.


Stop and smell the roses
Nov 5, 2003
There is another way - use a proxy ip masking program such as Mask Surf lite.

You can bind the masking program to one browser and leave another browser as normal...say firefox. the masking program can be a bit slow depending on where the proxy is located but this allows you to have a different ip when browsing.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Keebler Elf said:
Just wondering if it's technically possible to have multiple IPs working off the same computer at the same time?

For example, having multiple windows open with each operating under a different IP?

I'd imagine you'd need to be a tech whiz and utilize some sort of "splitter" if it's possible at all.
What are you trying to accomplish?
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