Just to let you guys know, that even though I am retired from taking an active role in the biz, I'm still here to debate, challenge and tease you guys into submission. I'm ditching that wetwaitingwoman moniker and would welcome your messages at Mrs_Stiffler@hotmail.com.
After all, I may be in retirement, but I know too many of you to cease all contact. And so, with your permission, I would like to remain as a frequent chatter on the Board, as I have very much enjoyed our discussions and would miss some of you greatly.
Theresa/Lisa, but I do prefer to use Theresa
P.S. - This time the new name is without a doubt, totally, and 100% from the same IP address as www and on my own desktop computer and with my knowledge and done on purpose. I always hated that wetwaiting woman name and would rather chat as Theresa Stiffler.
After all, I may be in retirement, but I know too many of you to cease all contact. And so, with your permission, I would like to remain as a frequent chatter on the Board, as I have very much enjoyed our discussions and would miss some of you greatly.
Theresa/Lisa, but I do prefer to use Theresa
P.S. - This time the new name is without a doubt, totally, and 100% from the same IP address as www and on my own desktop computer and with my knowledge and done on purpose. I always hated that wetwaiting woman name and would rather chat as Theresa Stiffler.