Ashley Madison

Moonlight Bunny ranch on Documentary Channel


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Not sure if anyone else watches this channel but I PVR'd an episode of the show Exposure last night and it was on The Moonlight Bunnyranch in Nevada.

I watched some of it but recorded the whole thing (it was on really late).

The part I did see was a little bit of an eyeopener.

For one, the girls negotiate (it seems) their prices and they run around $400.00 an hour (or one did a 1/2 hr for $350.00).

From that the house takes 50% then the girls also have to buy their "supplies" from the house which are 3 sizes of condoms, a movie (didn't catch what THAT was for) disinfecting soap for a total of $68.00. I don't know if that is weekly or what.

So, this one new girl had a booking for 1 hour, no sex, for $400.00 and she ended up with $132.00 in her pocket.

I don't have a video input on my PC otherwise I'd try to burn it to a mpg and link it online somehow. Pretty interesting viewing actually from what I could tell....

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
There is a reality series on the same place on HBO. The owner, Dennis Hoff (?), is an egomaniac. I somehow doubt that the prices are that high when the cameras are not there. My (limited) experience with the Nevada houses is that ask for $700+ when you start the negotiation, but they come down pretty quickly.
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