Ashley Madison

Monica 9422


Active member
Oct 28, 2021
I saw Monica last week.
I had planned to see someone else but got bailed on so I went to LL. I saw Monica’s ad and it sounded interesting. I’ve gotten good recommendations on here but here name/number did not show up in searches. I figured it was time to TOFTT. Well that cost me.

When I arrived, I was instructed to go to her room. She greeted me with a robe on. Once I paid for my time, she disrobed and I nearly fled.
She lists her age as 47 but I would peg her at a minimum 10 years older. I’m not sure if she has lost a lot weight but her skin around her waist and butt was saggy. She kept her bra on and you could see that one breast was significantly smaller than the other. Perhaps she’s saving up to do the second one.
Monica’s personality is nice. She seems like a sweet lady who may have been mistreated and had a hard life. She was hardly the sensual dynamo she advertises. Fake moans and starfish was her main move. Copious amounts of KY got me inside. Thankfully she was tight as it got me off sooner. I left with extra time left. She is indeed tight and I believe she has a good heart but she is asking too much for what is offered and did not delivered as promised.
would not recommend.
I think I will stick with well-reviewed ladies.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Usually the wisest move. It may appear to cost you more in $$$, but it will bring you far less grief and disappointment and you will be far more likely to glide away a foot off the ground with a smile on your face and a favourable memory. Over the years, I have had about a half dozen truly disappointing encounters and I hate to remember those. Life is full of disappointments.... and I am full of life!

Of course, if nobody TOFTTed, there wouldn't be any reviews of some of the albeit few new young ladies that may prove to be good providers.
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