Because they are two consenting adults fighting, but the US does seem to be rotting from the inside out, you are right about that, however if we had 300,000,000 people we would probably have the same problems, more a population issue when compared to Canada.I have never understood why a professional thug who is paid to knock people out is a hero.
I view boxing and wrestling as part of our sad culture of violence - not to mention our (U.S.) wild west gun laws.
In the U.S. you have a right to have your musket to protect you from a British invasion when there was no U.S. army. That is our 2nd Amendment. But we have the power of the NRA and guns gone crazy with the headlines in most major cities every night about who was killed in the city in the last 12 hours.
At least in Canada you have slightly more sane gun laws/registration requirements.
While the violence of boxing and wrestling is a "sport" with high paid heros, heaven forbid we have consenting adult sex rights with C36 in Canada and every day major stings of consenting adults in the U.S.
Ironicall studes have shown the more sexually repressed a culture is historically the more violent.
Now, jumping into my foxhole to duck
I think it's because it's one of those sports that comes down to raw, basic athleticism... Like running. No fancy equipment... Just two guys battling it out.I have never understood why a professional thug who is paid to knock people out is a hero.
I'll have to agree with you on this Dave... His "sport" although he was obviously very good at it, made his life excruciatingly difficult in later years, and eventually killed him.I have never understood why a professional thug who is paid to knock people out is a hero.
I'll have to agree with you on this Dave... His "sport" although he was obviously very good at it, made his life excruciatingly difficult in later years, and eventually killed him.
Not at all the same thing. Some people love to fight. In the context of professional fighting I say let them do it. What I hate is fighting in the NHL, that is a disgrace as it brings violence into a sport which has great skill and beauty. There is beauty in fighting as well, when it is THE art, not the rubbish and thuggery that is condoned in the NHL. Ali was not just a sporting hero, but also a huge political figure for freedom and human rights.I have never understood why a professional thug who is paid to knock people out is a hero.
I view boxing and wrestling as part of our sad culture of violence - not to mention our (U.S.) wild west gun laws.
Old memories...watched this one live on tv.He is "The Greatest of All Time"...
This is truly a sad day. My condolences to those who held him close to their heart.
If you liked the Rocky soundtrack, you'll love this...
Indeed, he could've made millions of $ in those few years....For rejecting the draft he was eventually stripped of his Heavyweight Title. He spent 2.5 in limbo, we never got to see Ali in his prime...
I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong, They never called me nigger.