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MMA Chick fight


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
dj1470 said:
Don't know about "sweet fight" but it was OK. If that was two guys though I would say boring fight. Seen lots of those lately. I mean the announcer himself even said that Kedzie's style was boring.
I loved the fact that Berezikova kept fighting and trying to punch even from her back. She was mounted for allot of the fight taking punches and carrying the other gurls weight and she never gave up right to the end.

If it was a man I'd respect him too for not giving up but for a women to take shots and not tap is even more impressive IMO.

My fav fights are the ones where both fighters never give up whiles taking shots. It shows me they have heart.


Apr 7, 2005
John_E_Depth said:
I loved the fact that Berezikova kept fighting and trying to punch even from her back. She was mounted for allot of the fight taking punches and carrying the other gurls weight and she never gave up right to the end.

If it was a man I'd respect him too for not giving up but for a women to take shots and not tap is even more impressive IMO.

My fav fights are the ones where both fighters never give up whiles taking shots. It shows me they have heart.
Great. I'm glad for you. But it was still as boring as watching paint dry. Kinda like watching a Tim Sylvia fight and falling asleep. You want me to watch MMA you gotta have some action. Two people rolling around on the ground wrestling? Booooooooooooooring!


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
dj1470 said:
Great. I'm glad for you. But it was still as boring as watching paint dry. Kinda like watching a Tim Sylvia fight and falling asleep. You want me to watch MMA you gotta have some action. Two people rolling around on the ground wrestling? Booooooooooooooring!
Boring? I don't know what fight you watched or your knowledge of MMA but that first round they exchanged allot of hard punchs without backing up. They both took and gave some hard shots. The one chick was even bleeding. They showed great all around MMA fighting standing up and bangin and submitz. I know some so called MMA fans who doesnt have any fighing background jus wants to see two people stand there exchage haymaker after haymaker for 3 rounds but thats not realistic. At the end of the day nobody wants to stand there and take hard punch's for 3 rounds when they could take the fight to the ground and try for an submit.

I don't mind the rolling around on the ground just as long as their trying to go for submits, strikes and counters. To me its allot more technical and artful then jus swingin for the fence's in hopes of landing a lucky shot. I dont watch Tim Sylvia fights. Hes boring as hell and is wayy too defensive. His fights would prob be better if he did roll around on the ground and not just throw one jab half hearted punch's.

I like watching a good slugfest like Chuck & Wand but I also like a good grappleing match (like Nightmare vs Karo) JUST as long as they both have heart and want to win.

Like I said I rate the chick that was on the bottom for not giving up and trying to strike and escape that tri lock.


Apr 7, 2005
John_E_Depth said:
Boring? I don't know what fight you watched or your knowledge of MMA but that first round they exchanged allot of hard punchs without backing up. They both took and gave some hard shots. The one chick was even bleeding. They showed great all around MMA fighting standing up and bangin and submitz. I know some so called MMA fans who doesnt have any fighing background jus wants to see two people stand there exchage haymaker after haymaker for 3 rounds but thats not realistic. At the end of the day nobody wants to stand there and take hard punch's for 3 rounds when they could take the fight to the ground and try for an submit.
Sorry Mr. MMA that I don't have your apparent extensive fighting background. Please don't hurt me. You obviously know-it-all and I am just a "so called fan". Therefore, my opinion doesn't matter. You the man!
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