Mizzou journalist threatened with arrest for attending public meeting....


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on the mizzou plague epidemic

A journalist who was kicked out of a student protest at Missouri University last year after a professor asked for 'muscle' to remove him has been thrown out of another public meeting.

Mark Schierbecker, a student videographer for The College Fix, was attending a meeting of the Concerned Student 1950, a black activist group, on Wednesday when he was asked to leave.

When he refused, members of the group threatened to call police and campus security to file a 'racial bias report', before telling him: 'This is, like, once again white people being privileged.'

Footage of the incident, shot by Schierbecker, shows the meeting in the AP Chapel on Mizzou's campus, which was advertised over Twitter as a forum 'for black students and students of color'

As film of the incident begins, several white members of the press can be seen sat along the pews.
Before the meeting gets underway, a woman - who appears to be the leader of the meeting - asks: 'If there are any reporters in here, can you please exit? That was my nice warning.'

A member of the local press then stands up and questions why reporters are being asked to leave, to which the woman responds: 'Just because I asked you to. We just want to discuss some things.'

The man can then be seen handing over his business card before exiting, while two other female journalists also left, according to The College Fix.

However, Schierbecker refused to leave, starting a tense confrontation with the group, during which several of them also took out their phones and began recording.

Schierbecker can be heard saying: 'This is considered a limited public forum. It’s open to the public, and especially to students of the university.

'I am here on assignment for a story and it is my personal preference not to leave.'

The footage then cuts momentarily before coming back to show the leader of the meeting standing next to Schierbecker.
She tells him: 'This is, like, once again white people being privileged and refusing to leave our spaces.'

The woman then asks Schierbecker to lower his camera, which he agrees to, although footage is still being recorded.
As several students try to explain themselves to Schierbecker, the leader of the group again speaks up telling them: 'You don’t give him any explanation because, like, that’s not necessary.'

She then suggests phoning the police in order to file a 'racial bias incident report', adding that 'I just don't have the time or the patience.'
When Schierbecker asks if she is referring to him, she responds: 'I'm not talking to you.'

After a short altercation, Schierbecker tells the group that he is recording 'for my own safety', saying that he wants to keep a record for police.

That statement appears to anger some of the group who raise their voices at him, though other members do ask them to quieten down.
After a brief and heated exchange with the group, Schierbecker again repeats that he will put the camera away, provided the police are not called.

However, before authorities arrive the group decide to move their meeting to a more private location, at which point they get up and leave.
According to Schierbecker, police and campus security never arrived to speak with him, and he received no follow-up call.

This is the second time Schierbecker has got into trouble with demonstrators on campus after he tried to film a tent city set up as part of protests that ousted college president Tim Wolfe last year.

On that occasion Schierbecker was confronted by then-assistant communications professor Melissa Click, who told protesters: 'Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.'

She has since been suspended and charged with assault over the incident, which Schierbecker also caught on film, and which has been viewed millions of times online.



Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
The university has painted themselves into a corner on this one. It is no-win for them.
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