Hey, I was not trying to start a war. AND I NEVER said there was a bait and switch going on here. Merely made the comment, which I am entitled to, that the pics do not look anything like the girl in real life. Looking at the pics of Michelle WILL NOT give you an idea of what she looks like in real life. Same for Gabrielle. Now, Gabrielle knows I am madly in love with her so she knows this is not a derogatory statement. I just do not understand why the luv sisters post misleading photos. You are ALL beautiful. No need to embellish.
You are right that perhaps Michelle and I did not make a connection. That happens and is ok. That is not my complaint. And I never suggested that the girl you see in the photo is not Michelle. Just that the pic is totally misleading!!!!!!!!
So where are we here? First, Stacey, how can you make reference to me? You do not know me. True, we have been together many times but I have never disclosed my terb handle. I will take your compliments, though, as I did have a good time with you.. You are a doll and total eye candy, never mind those legs of yours. Christ, I am getting hard just thinking of you. Second, I make the comments because I cut my teeth in this hobby in Ottawa, a particularly bad place to do so. I was one on the original posters who suggested that some ladies from Montreal or Toronto come here and improve the situation. You, Stacey, and your enterprising friends took me up on this and have improved the situation immeasureably. THANK YOU for this. NONE of my comments are meant to hurt you in any way. I love you all. The situation just brought back bad memories for me.
I will leave it up to my fellow terbites to decide if the pics are accurate; my proposition is that I accept they are of the actual girl but they do not depict
her accurately. The only photos that are accurate are of you doll.
P.S. I still think you are a hottie!