Just saw her. Advertises on the other board and Backpage.
Asked if there was a shower - she said yes, got there, she said it does not work well and not recommended. Ask beforehand of xtras, response $50-$100. While in massage session (which was very very poor), gave me the list of options. topless, release, bodyslide is $120 - hmmm. Turns out topless yes, bodyslide (her definition is rubbing her boobs on your chest for a few seconds), g-string off for 2 minutes and a no go zone, but pants were still on at her knees. Gave me the 5 minute to go sign but we had over 10. Poor:frown:
Asked if there was a shower - she said yes, got there, she said it does not work well and not recommended. Ask beforehand of xtras, response $50-$100. While in massage session (which was very very poor), gave me the list of options. topless, release, bodyslide is $120 - hmmm. Turns out topless yes, bodyslide (her definition is rubbing her boobs on your chest for a few seconds), g-string off for 2 minutes and a no go zone, but pants were still on at her knees. Gave me the 5 minute to go sign but we had over 10. Poor:frown: